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Tourism vs Tikanga: Local Iwi CLOSE Cycle trail

Photo by sameehan Javalekar on Unsplash

Cycle lanes as we all know are rarely used so when money is spent on creating a Mountain Biking Trail in 2018 for off-road cyclists that is wildly successful and popular you would think that it would be a cause for celebration. Not so it seems in the Bay of Plenty where local Iwi have rained on the cyclists’ parade by closing off part of the Lake Rotokakahi cycle trail stating that it is “not a fun park” and that the lake has been ” desecrated” by bike trail users.

The Maori guardians of Lake Rotokakahi have taped off the picturesque destination from the public, saying they need to restore and protect the mana of the area.
A cycle trail has drawn an increasing number of visitors to the Bay of Plenty lake, also known as Green Lake – and now mana whenua want it closed.
[…] “It’s the last bastion of tribal land we have that’s untouched, unspoiled and we want to keep it that way,” Rotokakahi Control Board Chair Wally Lee told Newshub.

[…] Lake Rotokakahi’s beauty has been splashed on social media and tourism websites – but local iwi say the images go against Maori protocol.
The iwi are upset that visitors are swimming, fishing and poaching game in the area.
Moke has taped off part of the trail as a result and it has reduced numbers. He has also been patrolling the area.
“Political layering has enabled this to happen. Essentially, we want the trails to close,” Lee says.


Is it just me or are we seeing more and more examples now of Iwi ownership of land resulting in the public being shut out?
