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Tova Fighting a Rearguard Action to Justify Their Dodgy Poll


It seems that Tova O’Brien has mobilised to try and destroy Judith Collins after Newshub’s dodgy poll was slated.

Yesterday we saw a milk moustache on a 14-year-old as news, a story about Judith Collins’s eyebrows and then their word soup polling.

Someone is acting rather defensively. At the end of the piece on their word soup for Judith Collins was tacked on an aside about National’s internal polling:

“Several National MPs have leaked to us after their caucus meeting on Tuesday morning, and indeed, their internal polling is very different from our much more comprehensive public poll – National is on 36 or 37 percent depending on the polling period, while Labour is on 47 percent.

Some MPs I spoke to are treating those numbers with “a high level of scepticism”.”

Are these leakers retarded? Is Tova as well?

What’s the bet “a number of MP’s leaking” means Paula Bennett?

Or Tova’s “our much more comprehensive public poll”. Talk about blowing your own grotty trumpet. But it looks like they are going to die on that particular flagpole. Here’s hoping the next poll shows an alarming swing that makes Tova O’Brien choke on her teeth.

The National Party caucus were briefed on the numbers by David Farrar, in full. Something they’ve never experienced under John Key, Bill English, Simon Bridges or Todd Muller.

And yet they have the temerity to say they view them with scepticism. Are they stupid?

David Farrar is New Zealand’s best pollster. If he says those numbers are right, they are right. Yet these morons are sceptical?

A move of five percent will have both on 42%, and that is winnable. Can the polls move 5% in 6 weeks? You bet they can.

Watch the desperate left get even more shrill if Labour’s numbers start shrinking during the campaign.

Though I’m not sure their blitzkrieg of ‘Judith, Judith, Judith’ is working, as all these stories about Judith Collins are pushing St Jacinda out of the headlines.

The Princess will not be amused.

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