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Trans-Tasman Talk Ep.11 – DiploMANcy

Trans-Tasman Talk
A screenshot from Episode 5, featuring Tim Wilms and Dieuwe de Boer

Presented in association with The Unshackled. Trans-Tasman Talk (TTT) is hosted by Tim Wilms from Melbourne and Dieuwe de Boer from Auckland. The show debuts every Tuesday at 9pm New Zealand time and 7pm Melbourne time. Episodes are broadcast live on Youtube via Right Minds, The Unshackled, and The BDF.

The show kicked off with birthday congratulations for Tim and a discussion around International Men’s Day.

The bushfires debate is still raging in New South Wales, with feminists suggesting that firefighters aren’t that brave because they will go home and beat their wives. Israel Folau ignited another firestorm after the media promoted his latest sermon where he suggested that the fires in NSW were God’s displeasure following the recent abortion liberalisation. There’s a bit of Biblical support for such punishment, and the same government that gave NWS abortion liberalisation also enacted the green policies that allowed the fires to get out of hand.

Farm protests were held in New Zealand, with over 1,200 marching on Wellington last week and then another 3,000-4,000 gathering in Greymouth on the West Coast to protest the Zero Carbon Bill, waterway policies, and forestry subsidies. Establishment MPs that attended were booed and heckled. Jacinda was out of the country. Shane Jones,  the infamous NZ First MP, referred to the protesters as “Ngati Redneck-ery” (Redneck Tribe), and Simon Bridges “promoted” Maureen Pugh (whom he referred to as “effing useless” in leaked tapes) to the MP for West Coast issues. Dieuwe suggested that farmers should not forget that both parties have abandoned them and not to fall for the empty promises that will inevitably be broken.

China was back in the news, with Liberal MPs Andrew Hastie and James Paterson being banned from entering China for a study tour. The Chinese government has ordered they recant their sin of criticising Beijing, but both have refused and Australia has broken off a human rights collaboration project. It has been revealed that New Zealand taxpayers have given a $250k subsidy for Chinese propaganda films to be made in the country. A line from the film reads as follows: “anyone who offends China, no matter how remote, must be exterminated.” They sound just like the Daleks.

The Nauru asylum seekers made headlines again as Guardian writer Behrouz Boochani made his way to New Zealand, hoping to get a UN refugee resettlement in the USA. Scott Morison is trying to get the infamous “medevac” laws repeated that have allowed illegal aliens to enter the country via medical procedures. One refugee was found to have had a botched penis enlargement performed on him.

The injustice system was highlighted by the case of Rouxle Le Roux who posted Instagram photos of her at the beach in a bikini with an ankle bracelet. The 18 year old is nearly finished serving her sentence of a few months home detention after killing a 15 year-old in a hit-and-run when she ran a red light after a night of drinking and drugs. Cases like that highlight the inversion of the justice system and how cold-blooded murderers can get away with just about anything in New Zealand, Australia, and much of the post-Christian West.

Prince Charles has been visiting New Zealand, which has resulted in a few gaffs almost as bad as Prince Andrew’s recent pizzagate interview. Duchess Camilla did bring some entertainment though as she botched a “hongi” that looked more like it was going to end up as a big smooch for the poor Maori greeter.

The show wound up with the usual plugs and a few superchats for Tim’s birthday.

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