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Trevor Mallard, a One Man Wrecking Ball of Labour’s Support

Rat Testing. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

Labour’s poll fortunes have taken a dramatic and precipitous fall in recent polls, the latest being the Taxpayers’ Union/Curia poll. Labour has slumped 6.1 points and is now essentially neck and neck with National, who also slumped a little in this poll.

PartySupportChange from last month
NZ First1.8%+0.3

Half of this poll was taken directly in the aftermath of the regime’s crackdown on peaceful protesters on Parliament’s lawn. There can be no mistaking now that Kiwi voters reject the brutality displayed by the regime. Curia also polled on six party leaders plus the Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard.

Malicious Mallard poo-fingered attempts to get the Freedom protesters to leave. The BFD.
The Speaker has some of the most unfavourable ratings we have ever seen in the wake of his response to anti-mandate protesters. Only 9% have a favourable view of Mallard and 63% an unfavourable view for a net favourability of -54%.  Even Labour voters have turned on Mallard with a -21% net favourability from Labour voters.

Curia Poll

Trevor Mallards first despicable, disgraceful action was sending in Police to try and break up the protest. When that failed he turned on the sprinklers in the middle of a storm and subjected protesters to days of psychological torture by blaring very loud music at them. That too failed, so three weeks later he authorised  the regime’s stormtroopers to use violent force: 40 mm grenade launchers, tear gas, rubber bullets, long batons, riot shields, pepper spray and even, illegally, fire extinguishers as weapons and Police throwing bricks at protesters.

‘Toxic Trevor’ Mallard’s actions have directly contributed to the sharp fall of Labour’s fortunes, and the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, has defended him and his actions. She has stuck by ‘Toxic Trevor’ and now it is costing her personally. The longer she hugs his political corpse the more she will start smelling like him.

Ardern thought crushing the protestors would be met with huge acclaim. Instead, we can see that it revolted voters. This is the danger of never looking outside of your bubble of beltway leftwing elite tossers.

National too should be concerned with this poll. They echoed the tyrant’s sentiments regarding the protest and they too have taken a tumble in the rankings when they should have been hammering the regime for its appalling record on the cost of living and its assault on freedoms and rights. The fact that National’s only point of difference is that they’d be more efficient fascists may be hurting them.

Labour are hurting because of the despicable behaviour of ‘Toxic Trevor’ Mallard. Let’s hope that the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, continues to cuddle his corpse.

Ducke. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

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