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Mika X

It comes as no surprise that the artist in the middle of the rich-lister’s indecent assault case was burying his snout in the arts trough, even while on serious charges:

While on bail and accused of imprisonable crimes, Mika X and organisations linked to him were granted thousands of dollars from the government’s national arts and development entity.

Artist Mika X and his associated companies were awarded more than $100,000 from a government agency while he was investigated and charged for trying to sabotage a court case against a prominent businessman.

NZ Herald

This guy pleaded guilty too. No doubt he will still be troughing for the forseeable future with further increased grants because he is now ‘notorious’.

Troughers never stop troughing; they also have no shame.

Wait until the full details of the rich-lister and his PR person come out too, once the appeals have expired.

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