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Trump Proposes End to Gaza Insanity

‘Palestinians’ keep proving they will never live next to Jews in peace – so why not move them?

‘If you can’t play nice, then out you go!’ The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Insanity, as they say, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Such as, pouring billions of dollars of aid into ‘Palestine’ and demanding a ‘two-state solution’.

They’ve been doing this for nearly a century, in the expectation that Arabs will finally relent and let the Jewish peoples live in their ancient homeland in peace. It’s never worked. Judging by the hero’s welcome given in recent days to Hamas fighters emerging like rats from their boltholes, and the jeering and spitting at Israeli hostages, it’s not about to change in a hurry.

Keeping this up is clearly insane.

So, Donald Trump is injecting a sorely needed dose of sanity.

US President Donald Trump said Jordan and Egypt should take in Palestinians from war-ravaged Gaza, a suggestion rejected by Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs the enclave, and apparently rebuffed by Jordan and Egypt.

Of course it was. Those two countries already have enough troubles with the Palestinians who relocated there in 1948, fully expecting to swan back after the Jews were driven out. Of course, the Jews never were, despite the Arabs’ best efforts. Meanwhile, Palestinians proved to be most unwelcome guests: assassinating other Arab leaders, fomenting revolutions and civil wars, and generally causing the sort of violent mayhem they’re infamous for.

No wonder they’re panicking at Trump’s challenge.

Referring to a call he had on Saturday with Jordan’s King Abdullah, Trump told reporters: “I said to him I’d love you to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people.”

He added, “I’d like Egypt to take people,” and said he would speak to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday.

“You’re talking about a million and half people, and we just clean out that whole thing,” Trump said.

At the same time, though, Arab nations make a great show of wringing their hands over the plight of the Palestinians. So, why don’t they make good on their crocodile tears?

Naturally, too, the global establishment will clutch its pearls and blatherskite about the ‘rules-based global order’ – whose outcomes we see all around us, from ‘Palestine’ to Libya. Yet, this is what the global elite want to keep us doing?


So, Trump, who brokered the Abraham Accords in his first term – achieving what decades of the ‘rules-based global order’ had failed to do – is offering something different.

Asked if this was a temporary or long-term solution for Gaza, where Israel’s military assault has caused a dire humanitarian situation and killed tens of thousands, Trump said on Saturday: “Could be either” […]

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who has repeatedly called for the return of Jewish settlers to Gaza, welcomed Trump’s call as “an excellent idea” and said he would work to develop a plan to implement it. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected such notions, advocated by Smotrich.

A Hamas official echoed long-standing Palestinian fears about being driven permanently from their homes.

Well, whoop-de-do. What makes them so special? Millions of ethnic Germans were driven permanently from their homes in Eastern Europe at the end of WWII. Millions of Indians were driven permanently from their homes in 1947, the single largest population transfer in history. Millions of Greeks and Turks were driven permanently from their homes in 1923. Bulgaria and Romania transferred masses of their populations in 1940. Such relocations bought peace, instead of cramming mutually hostile groups together.

Did the Germans of Eastern Europe bring their expulsion on their own heads, through their intransigent violence and hostility to their erstwhile neighbours? Well, that goes double, with brass knobs on, for the fanatically anti-Semitic savages of Gaza.

It was never theirs in the first place, anyway. The indigenes of Gaza are Jews. Arabs are invaders and the true ‘settler-colonisers’. Most of them, in fact, only moved into the area in the early 20th century, during the British mandate.

So, the question is: have the ‘Palestinians’ voided any claim they may have had to good will by their intransigent savagery?

Why would Israel be insane enough to simply let them go right back to the only thing they apparently know how to do?

The global elite just love their ‘great reset’ baloney. So, here’s a chance for a reset that could be truly great.

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