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Trump Vows to Crack Down on Immigration

CASPER, WY – MAY 28: Former President Donald Trump speaks on May 28, 2022 in Casper, Wyoming. (Photo by Chet Strange/Getty Images)

While I have little love for the government of French president Emmanuel Macron, in at least one respect France is showing up the mainstream left. While the rest of the left are cheerfully marching alongside virulently intolerant, pro-Hamas mobs, France is promising to arrest and deport any non-citizens fomenting hate against Jews.

To the horror of the pearl-clutching, anti-Semitism-indulging mainstream media, Donald Trump is pledging to do the same.

Former President Donald Trump said Monday that if elected again to the White House, he would reinstate and expand a travel ban on people from predominantly Muslim countries, suspend refugee resettlements and aggressively deport those whom he characterized as having “jihadist sympathies.”

Naturally, the Democrats are horrified: that would mean deporting some of their most devoted supporters, not to say their own people in Congress.

Trump said that he would implement “strong ideological screening of all immigrants to the United States” and said the US would block “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots and maniacs to get residency in our country.”

He also said he would ban travel from Gaza, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya” or anywhere else that threatens our security.”

The former president said he would revoke student visas of “radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners” enrolled in US colleges and universities and deport them. Trump criticized pro-Palestinian protests and said he would send Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to what he described as “pro-jihadist demonstrations.”

“We have to protect our own country,” Trump said.


Contrast that with the vile demonstrations of anti-Semitic hate from the Greens, especially, and the left in general. While the notorious members of the Democrat “squad” tweet their allegiance with the mobs in New York who brandished swastikas and called for the destruction of Israel, the Greens in Australia and New Zealand have blamed the victims of Hamas’ bloodthirsty butchery, shut down memorials to the slain, and branded support for Israel “disgusting”.

If only Anthony Albanese or Chris Luxon had the fortitude of Donald Trump.

Trump was responding to the Hamas killing of at least 1,300 Israelis that triggered a war in which Palestinian health officials say Israel has killed more than 2,800 Palestinians in Gaza.

Trump, president from 2017-2021, said that if elected to a second White House term he will ban entry to the U.S. of anybody who does not believe in Israel’s right to exist, and revoke the visas of foreign students who are “antisemitic.”

There’s no need for scare quotes: anyone who marches brandishing swastikas and chanting “gas the Jews” is beyond doubt as anti-Semitic as a brownshirt with a funny moustache.

Naturally, the Democrats, like most of the left, are right behind the anti-Semites.

Jaime Harrison, chair of the Democratic National Committee, described Trump’s pledges as Islamophobic, extreme and designed to exploit “fear and anxiety.”

If you think pledging to deport anti-Semites is “Islamophobic”, you’re kind of giving the game away.

Promising to drastically tighten U.S. immigration laws, Trump said: “If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you’re disqualified, if you support Hamas or the ideology behind Hamas, you’re disqualified, and if you’re a communist, Marxist, or fascist, you are disqualified.”

Japan Today

Because the left’s precious “diversity” has paid such social dividends, hasn’t it?

As the saying goes, you can have mass immigration of Muslims, or you can have diversity: you can’t have both.
