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Trump Vows to ‘Remove the Jew Haters’

Just like Hitler would!

Literally Hitler! The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the weirdest ‘Orange Man Bad!’ slurs from the Trump-deranged left is that Trump is a ‘Nazi’. Do these idiots even have the foggiest grasp of the words they fling around like poo? Of course not: as Orwell wrote, of the British left who demanded an ‘humane’ method of prosecuting the war against the real Nazis, ‘sheer humbug’ prevails in such arguments ‘based on the fact that the average human being never bothers to examine catchwords’.

But ‘Nazi’ isn’t even a catchword for the left: it’s a swear word (again, something Orwell noted about ‘fascists’, even in the 1940s). Still, it has a meaning and central to that meaning is institutionalised, systemic, anti-Semitism. The real Nazis tried to exterminate Jews, remember that bit?

By contrast, Trump is without doubt the most philo-Semitic president in American history. He prayed at the Wailing Wall, complete with kippah and was the first president in decades to request a rabbi to officiate at his inauguration. If that isn’t enough, most of his extended family are Jewish: as one observer commented, “His grandkids probably call him ‘Zayde’.”

Of course, none of these facts matter to the fact-free left. After all, these cretins even screech that Jews are ‘Nazis’, which is itself a particularly moronic anti-Semitic trope.

Trump is vowing to deal with such anti-Semites if elected to a second term.

Donald Trump pledged to “remove the Jew haters” as he spoke at an October 7 memorial event at his Trump National Doral Golf Club in Florida – on the first anniversary of the horror attacks on Israel […]

On Monday, the Republican presidential nominee told his audience at the Doral that he “will defend our American Jewish population.”

“I will protect your communities, your schools, your places of worship and your values. We will remove the jihadist sympathizers and Jew haters,” he said.

“We’re going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country, they only want to destroy our country.”

Compare that with the wishy-washy pandering of Australian PM Anthony Albanese, who can’t even mark the anniversary of October 7 without prattling about …and Islamophobia. Compare it with the open anti-Semitism of the revolting Greens or the even more disgusting Lidia Thorpe, who chose to commemorate October by bellowing Hamas’ genocidal war-cry in parliament. Charming.

Trump did not elaborate on who precisely he was referring to but went on to hit out at the student protests at colleges across the country this year in response to Israel’s campaign in Gaza.

He also alleged, baselessly, that the Democratic party is riddled with antisemitism.

‘Baselessly’? What rock has this idiot been living under?

Naturally, the mainstream media can’t help but screech, ‘Orange Man Bad!’

As he left the stage following the conclusion of his remarks, the disco anthem YMCA by The Village People was blasted out and greeted by Trump with a series of fist pumps to the crowd – a moment that was slammed on social media given the solemn nature of the occasion […]

Earlier on Monday, Trump had been in New York City visiting the gravesite of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson at Ohel Chabad-Lubavitch in Queens – considered a sacred site amongst Hasidic Jews – where he wore a yarmulke to pay his respects but gauchely offered to autograph a prayer book.

He subsequently mingled with Rabbis and chatted with right-wing political commentator Ben Shapiro before posing for pictures with a beaming smile and thumbs-up gesture.

Just like Hitler would!

Nazi that he is, Trump also paid his respects at the tomb of one of the most prestigious Jewish leaders of the 20th century.

Former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump paid a private visit to Ohel, the tomb of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, obm, on the first anniversary of the October 7, 2023 invasion of Israel and massacre of 1,200 people by Hamas-led terrorists. More than 250 people were taken hostage and dragged into Gaza […]

As is customary, Trump donated a coin to a large wooden Tzedakah box before entering the Ohel, where he was seen wearing a black velvet yarmulke from iKippah.

At graveside Trump prayed and then read his personal note, called a “pon” in Chassidic tradition, after which he tore the note, a sign that his prayers were accepted. He was guided to place a stone on top of the Rebbe’s headstone before leaving.

Outside the Ohel, Trump spoke with Yael, Adi, and Roy Alexander, whose son and brother, Edan, an American citizen, is still held captive by Hamas.

No doubt ‘baselessly’, Trump used the occasion to condemn the surge in anti-Semitism in the US.

Because there’s nothing quite so ‘Nazi’ as condemning anti-Semitism.

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