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Donald Trump HCQ Hydroxychloroquine

Remember when Donald Trump talked about the promising signs that hydroxychloroquine could lower death rates from the CCP Virus? Remember, also, when Facebook blocked posts and videos about HCQ and other media called out Trump for promoting the use of this safe anti-malarial drug used by millions worldwide?

CNBC headline
BBC headline
So much for fact checking

They labelled Trump’s promotion as dangerous and a conspiracy theory.

Well, they were wrong and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people may have died needlessly, simply because Donald Trump said it was effective and therefore the idea must be denigrated.

A new study posted in the American Journal of Medicine in January found that early treatment of coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine lowered the mortality rate for the disease.

The study found that immediate use of HCQ, while the patient was still at home, showed significant benefits.

This is just the latest study that shows the effectiveness of HCQ in treating the coronavirus.

For the past several months the website has been tracking the HCQ-coronavirus studies.

According to there have been 237 studies, 171 of which were peer reviewed that show 67% of patients improved in early treatment trials.
Also today the Facebook Oversight Board announced it was overturning a previous case on the effectiveness of HCQ.

Facebook’s previously removed a post on the use of hydroxychloroquine in France which it claimed, “contributes to the risk of imminent… physical harm.”

Today Facebook announced this was a mistake.

Gateway Pundit
How many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of victims were killed due to Dr. Fauci, the CDC and the tech giants’ and media’s false claims on hydroxychloroquine?

The jihad against HCQ was only to get back at Trump. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead today, perhaps needlessly, if only they’d been prescribed HCQ!

When will these people ever face justice?

I know that if I ever caught the CCP Virus that I’d use both HCQ and ivermectin, both proven and now undeniably effective methods of mitigating the worst effects of the CCP Virus.
