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Trump’s Former Science Advisor Says Global Warming Is a ‘SCAM’

Fraud scam

The BFD has been banging on about Climate Change and Global warming for a while now and recently we have reported that the worm is starting to turn despite media like Stuff publicly admitting that they will only report one side of the Climate change story and will not tolerate dissenting views even in the comments.

Now those like us who do not believe that the science is settled on this issue have President Trump’s former Science Advisor, Dr William Happer in our corner. He has spoken out against the global warming scare bluntly calling it a scam!

“It’s a scam,” he says.
Happer, Professor of Physics Emeritus at Princeton University and, till September this year, the science advisor on the Trump Administration’s National Security Council, was speaking to Breitbart News in Madrid, Spain, at a conference staged by the Heartland Institute.
He described how he first spotted the nature of the scam during the Clinton era, when he was briefly director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science before being sacked by Vice President Al Gore. Gore didn’t like the way Happer was asking so many inconvenient questions about his friends’ supposed “climate” research projects.

Happer said:

“I’d have people come into my office in Washington once a week and tell me about the work they were doing. We were spending the taxpayers’ money and had a big budget — $3.5 billion — which was worth a lot back then. Most of them were very happy to tell a bureaucrat what they were doing. They were surprised and flattered to be invited. But the exception was people in climate, who were always very defensive. ‘Why do you want me to come to Washington?’ they’d say. ‘We work for Mister Gore.’
That’s when I began to realise that there was something funny about this area of science […] They would show up. But it would be very painful seminars, not like normal seminars. We were supporting the Human Genome Project and those scientists couldn’t wait to come to Washington and tell me about the latest gene sequencing machine and how well it was doing and how cheap it was. It would be the same with the high energy physicists in their search for the top quark and how close they had come. I wondered: ‘Why don’t the climate scientists feel the same way?’”

Asked whether he thought Al Gore knows it’s a scam or whether he genuinely believes in man-made “global warming”, Happer said:

“You know, I’ve asked myself that question many times. I’ve met him once or twice. I still don’t know what the answer is. It has been very profitable for him so he’s a very wealthy man.”

Breitbart London

Happer also spoke to the Heartland Institute about his time in the White House and his views on climate change. You can watch the interview below.


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