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Truth Bombs Bypassing the Crooked Media Filters

Some truth bombs are escaping into the wild about vaccine efficacy relating to Omicron. They are inconvenient truths that so far seem to have escaped the notice of jab enthusiasts like David Seymour, Chris Bishop and of course the blithering idiot masquerading as our prime minister.

We have had about a month of respite as the politicians and their enthusiastic useful idiot helpers all took a summer holiday, but now they are back, the fear porn is ramping up over Omicron.

The government escaped any real scrutiny of the late rollout of the vaccines and now, months after other countries have boosted their population, the government has only just started their booster programme.

Omicron, though, is moving way faster than summer holiday entranced politicians and it is showing up the lies about the vaccine programme and also the booster program.

Again, this shouldn’t be a surprise, because our indolent government has always been six months, at best, to a year behind the rest of the world. Yet it seems they’ve learned nothing. Instead, they are doubling down on vaccines even though other countries have shown that they are a forlorn hope.

The problem for the government is their concrete thinking and their utter and complete reliance on vaccines as a solution – which they most definitely are not.

We were told we had to flatten the curve to protect the health system. Then we were told we would have a short, sharp lockdown that turned into almost a third of a year in Auckland: again it was to protect the health system.

So what has the Government done for the health system to prepare them for the coming Omicron storm? Have they invested in new rapidly built ICU hospitals? What about hiring ICU nurses and doctors? Investing in new ICU beds and equipment?

The answer is of course none of that. Instead, we’ve had priority for The Wiggles and visiting cricket and rugby teams, and we mustn’t forget visiting DJs and wealthy benefactors who may or may not be providing the location for a certain wedding. We have spent so many billions of dollars that the once huge $3 billion Provincial Growth Fund is now only a rounding error, and for what? All we have done is kick the can down the road, and lies that are a debt to the truth are coming due.

And now Omicron is here we can also see that their silver bullets, vaccines, are all duds.

In Scotland double vaxxed Scots are now more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than the unvaccinated amid an increase in elderly people falling ill due to waning immunity.

A leading immunologist from Israel says that the world needs to admit the failure of the vaccines. Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli – and indeed global – management of the coronavirus pandemic.

The truth is that you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns, and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.

You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. As school principals around the country attest, you made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health, and physical health.

You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you, you turned the people against each other, divided society, and polarized the discourse. You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease.

In an unprecedented way, you promote a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights, and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice. A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification.

When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries – you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus.

The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed – are the surplus victims as a result of your actions only.

There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets, and control.

The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and consciousness engineering instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system.

This emergency must stop!

Rio Times

Those words apply as much to New Zealand and our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, as it does to Israel.

Israel is also seeing the complete and utter futility of continually re-injecting the failed vaccine in the forlorn hope that somehow doing the same thing over and over and over again will result in a different outcome:

Nearly a month after Sheba Medical Center launched a landmark study to test the efficacy of a fourth COVID shot, the hospital said Monday that this fourth booster was only partially effective in protecting against the Omicron strain.

“The vaccine, which was very effective against the previous strains, is less effective against the Omicron strain,” Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, a lead researcher in the experiment said.

“We see an increase in antibodies, higher than after the third dose,” Regev-Yochay said. “However, we see many infected with Omicron who received the fourth dose. Granted, a bit less than in the control group, but still a lot of infections,” she added.

“The bottom line is that the vaccine is excellent against the Alpha and Delta [variants], for Omicron it’s not good enough,” she said.

Times of Israel

Israel’s prime minister appears to be as clueless as our own prime minister:

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has pushed ahead with expanding Israel’s fourth dose program, despite the lack of data.

As of Sunday night, over 500,000 Israelis have been inoculated with a fourth dose. The Health Ministry began offering fourth vaccine shots to Israelis 60 and older, the immunocompromised, and medical workers last month.

Sheba’s trial program, which began in December with 150 medical staff being given the shot, is many times smaller than normal drug trials, which usually involve thousands of volunteers who results are tracked for months. But it is also the only known study of the effects of a fourth dose.

Israel is pinning hopes that the extra booster may help keep the Omicron variant from overwhelming hospitals and shutting down normal life.

And they’d be wrong. Omicron doesn’t care for your vaccine or your vaccine pass. The statistics are now showing that Omicron is actually hunting down the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated as they claimed.

This government has criminally exposed New Zealanders to a poor outcome based on their concrete thinking that:

a) Preferred just one type of vaccine and excluded almost every other vaccine.

b) Ignored other treatment protocols to the point of actually banning promising treatment protocols.

c) Rationed vaccines and committed to the most lethargic rollout in the OECD.

d) Prevented other more accurate and valid testing regimes and preferred a PCR test which is so flawed that neither WHO nor the CDC recommends it be used.

e) Kept the PCR cycle rate at 45 cycles, which produces many false positives, despite WHO changing their recommendation to 20 cycles more than a year ago.

f) Forbade the importation of Rapid Antigen Tests and nobbled saliva testing.

g) Rationed RAT tests and showed us that the government doesn’t trust us to administer our own tests at home, unlike almost every other OECD nation, by making them available only at pharmacies. They further complicated the process by insisting that the testers don full PPE gear to conduct the test despite the fact that the same customer could have gone into the pharmacy to buy paracetamol.

All of that micro-managing is about to bite the government on its bloated arse much like the Mount Mauler is savaging swimmers at Mount Maunganui.

The government doesn’t trust us. They don’t like people making their own decisions which is why they have removed choice from as many people as possible regarding vaccine mandates.

A government that doesn’t trust you is not a government that should survive.

This could all have been avoided because we are laggards and have seen what has happened in the rest of the world. By locking us down and creating a super nanny state all this government has done is kick the can down the road, always hoping that they can outrun a virus.

The worst part is that Kiwis blithely accepted it all after falling for the lies that this was a plague. It never was, and it never will be.

The time to stand up is now. Say no more, time to let it rip. Omicron is mild, and the vaccines don’t work. The government has run out of runway, and it is time to learn to live with this.

No more lockdowns, no more forced vaccinations, no more mandates, no more vaccine passes. No more segregation.

End this by saying no. End this by being brave. End this ridiculous fear porn and end this government.

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