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Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out the MSM

The Dems really blew it when they shafted Tulsi Gabbard. Instead of a senile, corrupt, Deep State puppet, they could have had a feisty centrist, a serving veteran with first-hand experience of the reality of war, and an “anti-interventionist” “populist”.

Oh, wait.

Of course she never had a chance in the Democrat Party.

Tulsi Gabbard, a longtime Democrat Congresswoman in Hawaii and former candidate for the Democratic nomination for US President in 2020, announced last October that she is leaving the Democrat Party. Gabbard cited elitism, a penchant for war, a hostility toward people of faith, and the racialization of “every issue” as reasons that she is walking away, and urged other Americans to do so as well.

Yup, definitely not cut out for the Democrats.

She even sounds positively Trumpian when it comes to calling out the mainstream media as enemies of the American people.

Former Hawaii Democrat congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slammed the Associated Press on Fox News last week, claiming that the outlet has lost its objectivity and inserts its own “political biases” that align with the “Democrat elite.”

Gabbard’s particular beef, this time, was an AP reporter running an exploitative piece on a shooting in Florida. Gabbard dubbed it “offensive” and “egregious”.

She also coined a new name for AP:

“Associated Propaganda.”

“I know you remember as well as I do back when the AP was a trusted news source that would objectively just report the news, just report information. They have now become the “Associated Propaganda,” seeing how they’re inserting their political bias in political narrative, writing pieces that sound a lot more like opinion pieces than they do just actually reporting the news.”

Which sounds pretty much like just about every mainstream media outlet. Especially the PIJF bought-and-paid-for New Zealand media.

“They don’t care about the people. They don’t care about information. They don’t care about facts. They don’t care about the consequences, the devastating and dangerous consequences of their actions,” Gabbard continued.

Tick, Stuff. Tick, Newshub. Tick, NZ Herald and TVNZ.

“We, the American people, we just want information. We want these people to show us the respect of being intelligent human beings, adults. We have a will of our own. We can draw your own conclusions based on the facts that we receive. But they don’t see us as that.”

“They disrespect us and our intelligence by assuming that they can just feed us whatever propaganda they want. We’re just going to soak it up,” Gabbard added. “We’re not that stupid.”

The Post-Millennial

Oh, really? Do you have a Gender Studies or Communications degree? I don’t think so.

They’re better than you — and they know it.
