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Turning up the Heat on Winston Peters

Image credit The BFD turning up the heat Winston Peters flames fire

Phil Green

As the election gets closer the heat appears to be turning up on the comments of BFD readers about the merits of Winston’s participation.

Winston’s rodeo may not be new in town but his message this time around certainly is. In my humble estimation, Winston’s new message of hope for those afflicted by the COVID-era malfeasance and mania may be his most apt swan song. Where in the past he meant well but never quite made the hit, this time he is stoically defending democracy itself, and indeed future bodily autonomy. This I feel will be his legacy.

To many if not most BFD readers, the idea for any politician to bark aggressively against the legacy media narrative, and a politician who can make the hits, is almost like our wildest dream come true. And yet, time and again when any essay or article is posted on The BFD about Winston, Luxon and National there’s the inevitable pile in how Winston can’t be trusted.

To be fair, there are a few compelling arguments to consider, and respect to all you “Fool me twice” adherents.

Though I love reading the debates I rarely get involved in these, as I’m a relative newcomer to politics, and was naïve enough to vote Maori party when in my 40s, and then for Jacinda in 2017. I soak it all up, listening to all sides, as I’ve made two silly decisions already.

However, moving on, there should be no argument, as all right-leaning parties are needed to stem the Marxist creep. Each coalescing towards their unique group, which at this time shows Winston quite rightly hoovering up disaffected Labour/Green voters and those snaffled by the COVID-19 wrong-think. Who could argue with that? Though I could name a few who would.

It’s not going to change the landslide victory for the conservative vote, so you all need to take a chill pill.

We need the people in great numbers to vote for National, as like it or not they’re the largest organised opposition party, and most likely to win constituency seats. Good for those that do, there are many compelling reasons to do so and personally I think Luxon will confound all his critics and make a good PM. However, though I will vote National for my local MP, my party vote will go to Winston.

2020 was lost because voters believed the media lie that National was in “disarray”, and in one of my finer moments, I voted two ticks for National. Now I wish I’d voted for NZ First. But I don’t have a crystal ball, and the mass of disgruntled NZ First voters abandoned ship, so it was a done deal and democracy in action. I’m confident Winston has learnt this lesson.

The reason for this article is to say we’re all on the same side. Voters who want economic surety and good management will vote National and ACT. Those on the fringes like myself who like all the good stuff these parties have to offer, but are still wary of mantras around climate change, their lack of backbone around mandates etc now have a new warrior in town. He may be on the cross benches, with little influence, but he’s got his acerbic tongue, ready to lash the government and the MSM.

I think for now this is as good as it gets in a world where the leader of the free world condones persecuting his main political opponent, and the West seems intent on shutting down its energy grid to save the planet, not its citizens. We need a battler.

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