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turned-on flat screen television
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters

What should be done with TV One? In my view, the answer is an easy one. You have to look no further than across the ditch to Sky News Australia. In a country with a population of 25.69 million, 42 per cent, 11.1 million watch the channel during any given month. This is an increase of 2 million since 2021. The average Sky News viewer is 45 years old. The obvious question is – what is Sky doing right? The answer is plenty. It is worth taking a look at Sky News Australia in order to realise the potential influence TV One could have as a responsible news and current affairs outlet.

First, though, let’s analyse the current situation with TV One. It is predominantly an entertainment channel and therefore trying to be all things to all people. In this day and age with a multitude of platforms to choose from, that is a failed strategy, as is the quaint idea of paying the government a dividend. TV One is fast becoming a white elephant with a hint of colour thrown in by the irritating use of another language. This nonsense in no way reflects where it should be strategically in 2024.

The 6pm news hour is about as archaic as Noah in the Ark. Unfortunately, unlike Australia, this country is not big enough for both the traditional (ABC) and more modern (Sky News) formats. Therefore there has to be a choice, and it is the Sky News version that should be implemented. It should be either pay-per-view as Sky News is or free to air if the government wants to run it. I prefer the former as I don’t think the government has any business operating a television channel and it would be costly to run.

Sky News programming consists of a mix of live news bulletins, live broadcasts from events such as Parliamentary Question Time, and press conferences. On weekdays, throughout most of the day, rolling news coverage is presented. Commentary programmes begin at 5pm  and run through to 11pm. Most of these programmes are presented by conservative commentators discussing the news of the day, often with a panel of other like-minded commentators. Rolling news continues to 1am when they switch to Sky News UK which, ironically, is not nearly so conservative.

This is what I think TV One should become. It would follow the Sky format say until 11pm and then take Sky News Australia which is currently available on Sky here. Shortly, as things stand now we are going to get only one hour of (left-wing biased) news a night and one tame hour of current affairs at the weekend. That is an insult to those of us who are interested in discussing the day’s events. There is precious little conservative discussion in this country outside of Newstalk ZB. because the press and Radio NZ are predominantly left-wing.

The mix would require number of ingredients to be a recipe for success. First, as with Sky News, it would need to adopt a right-wing ideology. Advertising would give part of the income so high ratings would be needed. Second, and equally important, would be the recruitment of first-class journalists. If you watch Sky News you will observe the anchors in the studio and those in the field are far, far superior to the leftie amateurs that parade on our screens. (To be fair to anchors here, they have to read what they are given.)

Turning TV One into a news and current affairs channel would give it a sense of purpose, fill a current void in the market, allow it to focus on a particular type of person and demographic and provide plenty of local content. As it stands, taxpayers’ money is being wasted on something that serves no useful purpose for either the population in general or any group in particular. It needs a raison d’être and, for my money, this is it.

Politically, under this Government, there will be a lot happening and a need for lively discussion. There is also room for shows like Fair Go and Sunday. TV One is eminently placed to deliver a concept of this type, a channel of national significance no less!

Let’s see what Melissa Lee comes up with.


TV2 just needs the boot.
