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TV1 Breakfast Twits as Funny as Burnt Toast

burnt toast burn burned

Does anyone remember the children’s programme that ran for nearly two decades on our television screens? It was called Play School. It returned to TV One Breakfast on Tuesday morning. Just to reflect they were up with the times, the current presenters brought a gun along with them. Admittedly it wasn’t a gun with live ammunition but it was a type of gun nevertheless.

It was in fact a salt gun and the presenters were keen to show how it worked. First, they tried it out on themselves off-screen but obviously decided that shooting each other wouldn’t be entertaining enough.

Apparently, just by chance, one of them knew of an office where there was a Donald Trump doll which must have caused presenter Anna Burns-Francis to get overexcited. She has made her views on Trump well known through some of the most biased reporting ever heard during her stint in America. This is the lady who, having auditioned for Breakfast, thought she had flunked the test. Far from it. She probably got top marks.

So the Trump doll was brought out and duly fired at. They obviously thought it was funny. These so-called entertainers need to remember that they are there to entertain their audience rather than themselves.

Having worked in radio I know that one of the basic tenets is that you have to relate to your audience. It’s not about what you like but about what your audience likes. They are the equivalent of your ‘customers’ and the customer is always right. If you are in commercial broadcasting this is how you get ratings and good ratings attract advertisers. Both breakfast programmes returned to our screens this week and initial numbers show Breakfast beat the AM show in the 5+ age group. But in the crucial 25-54 demographic, the one potential advertisers look at, AM rated better than Breakfast.

These left-wing amateurs on Breakfast need to take a leaf out of Newstalk ZB’s playbook. ZB has topped the ratings for decades by being both professional and TRULY creative. The use of a Trump doll was not to explain how the gun worked, it was to get at Trump who none of them like.

It wasn’t creative. It wasn’t even funny or entertaining.

What it came down to was four left-wing diehards entertaining themselves with their political bias.

If I’d walked in with a Cindy doll would they have used the gun on her? Not likely. With her ratings sliding into oblivion that would have been rubbing salt into the wound if you’ll pardon the pun. The producer of the show should have known it was not a good idea. It’s dollars to doughnuts he or she hates Trump as well.

This left-wing bias, in all their news and current affairs programmes, is why I gave up on TV One years ago. The same applies to Radio New Zealand. I am waiting for a name change to Radio Aotearoa.

TV1 has, quite rightly, since apologised for the antics of these twits.

Remember how Play School was introduced –

Here’s a house,
Here’s a door…

If I had been in charge the four lefties would have been shown it.


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