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Twisting the History to Fit the Narrative

Medics give a blood transfusion to an injured man on Omaha Beach during D- Day.

In history classes (in public or private schools, colleges, and others), state propaganda and mainstream history, a historical fiction has been spun that allegedly debunks any notion of noninterventionism. This is the myth of American isolationism.

The assertion usually goes that America was extremely isolationist prior to World War I and had no interest in involving itself in unnecessary warfare. After the Zimmermann telegram was sent, America was then forced to enter the war, quickly ended the war and promptly withdrew from meddling with the outside world, even refusing to enter the League of Nations. America then spent the next two decades in isolation, foolishly ignoring the world stage until being unexpectedly attacked by Japan.

Variations exist, but this is the general reasoning pushed by the State Department, the Council on Foreign Relations and Wikipedia. I also distinctly remember hearing that line of reasoning in multiple history classes going back to when I was in the seventh grade.

The narrative that America had its time of isolationism is frequently wielded as a cudgel, used to illustrate in simplicity how backward and cowardly the policy is. To anyone who has adopted this narrative, isolationism is evil because it either exacerbated or directly caused World War II, leaving the Allies without American military and industry. Its supporters usually claim that the war would not have happened or would have been much shorter had America supported the Allies from the beginning. Although not always, this moralizing is usually tied in with popular criticisms of appeasement. When the two are combined, a powerful cause for intervention exists. After all, ignoring whatever has been deemed the foreign “threat” by the state is pig-headed isolationism, and downplaying the threat is evil appeasement.

Basic Problems

This supposed history of isolation is complete fiction. The minor details can be dealt with first. America was by no means forced to enter World War I because of Arthur Zimmermann’s infamous proposal to Mexico. The telegram is very short, and I invite you to read it for yourself if you have not done so before.

Every single promise in the telegram, though considered briefly, was determined to be unreliable or unbeneficial. Mexico was, at the time, embroiled in a civil war, which is a rather inopportune time to strike a much larger, much more powerful neighbor. The financial support was written off out of hand, as Germany had admitted only a year earlier that it had no gold to spare. In the event of victory, the possibility of Mexico holding on to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona was slim, and the Mexican government realized this. They understood that in the near seven decades since Mexico lost these territories, the Southwest had been settled by millions of fiercely independent Anglo Protestants. These Anglo Protestants would not take kindly to Mexican governance. As we can see, the Zimmermann telegram would have been discarded as a diplomatic faux pas if not for the powerful interests determined to enter the war.

Upon entering World War II, the Japanese attack was also not unexpected or even the first attack of United States vessels by the Japanese during Japan’s imperialistic expansion. Though the bombing of Pearl Harbor was not planned on, an American entry into the war was certainly in the works for quite a while beforehand.

The Major Problem

However, what this narrative surrounding isolationism gets most crucially wrong is that America has never been isolated, not before World War I and not after World War I. The Global Policy Forum keeps a list of American foreign interventions that is “not … definitive or absolutely complete”. Leaving out operations from the prosecution of World War I and starting in 1890 just to illustrate how not-isolated the US was for the almost two and a half decades prior to World War I, the list reads:

1890          Argentina                  US sailors land in Buenos Aires.

1891          Chile                           US sailors land in the major port city of Valparaíso.

1891          Haiti                           US Marines land on the US-claimed Navassa Island.

1893          Hawaii                        Marines and other naval forces land and overthrow the monarchy.

1894          Nicaragua                   Marines land at Bluefields on the eastern coast.

1894–95    China                          Marines are stationed at Tientsin and Beijing. A naval ship takes up position at Newchwang.

1894–96    Korea                          Marines land and remain in Seoul.

1895          Colombia                     Marines are sent to the town of Bocas del Toro.

1896          Nicaragua                    Marines land in the port of Corinto.

1898          Nicaragua                    Marines land at the port city of San Juan del Sur.

1898          Guam                            Naval forces seize Guam Island from Spain and the US holds the island permanently.

1898          Cuba                             Naval and land forces seize Cuba from Spain.

1898          Puerto Rico                 Naval and land forces seize Puerto Rico from Spain, and the US holds the island permanently.

1898          Philippines                  Naval forces defeat the Spanish fleet, and the US takes control of the country.

1899          Philippines                  Military units are reinforced for extensive counterinsurgency operations.

1899          Samoa                          Naval forces land.

1899          Nicaragua                   Marines land at the port city of Bluefields.

1900          China                           US forces intervene in several cities.

1901          Colombia/Panama    Marines land.

1902          Colombia/Panama    US forces land in Bocas del Toro.

1903          Colombia/Panama    With US backing, a group in northern Colombia declares independence as the state of Panama.

1903          Guam                            Navy begins development in Apra Harbor of a permanent base installation.

1903          Honduras                     Marines go ashore at Puerto Cortés.

1903          Dominican Republic  Marines land in Santo Domingo.

1904–5      Korea                           Marines land and stay in Seoul.

1906–9      Cuba                            Marines land. The US builds a major naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

1907          Nicaragua                    Troops seize major centers.

1907          Honduras                    Marines land and take up garrison in the cities of Trujillo, La Ceiba, Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula, Laguna and Choloma.

1908          Panama                       Marines land and carry out operations.

1910          Nicaragua                    Marines land in Bluefields and Corinto.

1911          Honduras                     Marines intervene.

1911–41    China                            The US builds up its military presence in the country to a force of 5000 troops and a fleet of 44 vessels patrolling China’s coast and rivers.

1912          Cuba                             US sends army troops into combat in Havana.

1912          Panama                        Army troops intervene.

1912          Honduras                    Marines land.

1912–33   Nicaragua                  Marines intervene. A 21-year occupation of the country follows.

1913          Mexico                         Marines land at Ciaris Estero.

1914         Dominican Republic   Naval forces engage in battles in the city of Santo Domingo.

1914          Mexico                        US forces seize and occupy Mexico’s major port city of Veracruz from April through November.

1914–34    Haiti                           Troops land, along with aerial bombardment, leading to a 19-year military occupation.

1915–16    Mexico                        An expeditionary force of the US Army … crosses the Texas border and penetrates several hundred miles into Mexican territory. This force is eventually reinforced to over eleven thousand officers and men.

1916–24  Dominican Republic   Military intervention leads to an eight-year occupation.

1917–33    Cuba                            Naval forces land, which begins a 15-year occupation.

So, by this list, in the 27 years leading to American involvement in World War I, there were 43 interventions in 18 different countries or colonies across three continents. During this time, America occupied nine countries or colonies, permanently annexing four. This is not “isolation” in any sense of the word.

But what about the interwar period? Did America finally turn her back on foreign intervention between 1918 and 1941? No. The list continues:

1918–22    Russia                         Naval forces and army troops fight battles in several areas of the country during a five-year period.

1919           Yugoslavia                  Marines intervene in Dalmatia.

1919          Honduras                    Marines land.

1920          Guatemala                  Troops intervene.

1922          Turkey                         Marines engage in operations in Smyrna (Izmir).

1922–27   China                           Naval forces and troops deploy during a five-year period.

1924–25   Honduras                   Troops land twice in a two-year period.

1925          Panama                       Marines land and engage in operations.

1927–34    China                          Marines and naval forces are stationed throughout the country.

1932          El Salvador                  Naval forces intervene.

1933          Cuba                             Naval forces are deployed.

1934          China                            Marines land in Foochow.

This is far less, a mere 12 interventions compared to 43. The US has added one continent, Europe, to her scope here. Also, remembering the occupations from the last list, four were ongoing in this interwar period. This is still not isolation, League membership or not.

Looking back at the original assertion from mainstream history, little to nothing is accurate. The United States has been in a constant state of intervention for more than a century now, and the attempt to characterize the interwar period as “foolish isolationism” is falsifying history. Whenever the regime and anyone else pushes this fictious “era of isolationism”, the American public is being duped. Not content with merely lying to get the country into these interventionist wars, the regime must also self-servingly rewrite history into one of lies. How else could it maintain the racket?
