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Middle-class pea-brains in a pod. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Surprise, surprise, a taxpayer-funded hub of bourgeois lefty groupthink has been caught spinning lies about “global warming”. No doubt you’re as surprised as I am. I mean, it’s not like global warming alarmists have been caught playing fast and loose with the truth before, is it?

Well, if you believe that, you probably think Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth was unalloyed, hard-headed scientific truth and Greta Thunberg is the world’s greatest climate scientist.

Still, at least we can trust the BBC, can’t we?

A BBC Panorama documentary about global warming made a number of false claims, an internal investigation by the broadcaster has found.

The programme Wild Weather, presented by climate editor Justin Rowlatt, said deaths worldwide were rising due to extreme weather caused by climate change – whereas the opposite is true.

It also claimed Madagascar was on the verge of the first famine caused by climate change – despite other factors being involved.

Now, if “Justin Rowlatt” isn’t a middle-class tosser name enough for you, there’s still his sister — I kid you not — Cordelia. Ah, remember the far-off childhood days, when Nanny (or, more likely, the au pair) would be grudgingly allowed to use the Range Rover (absolutely not the Jag, of course) to ferry little Justin and Cordelia between ruggers and pony club? Well, the Bourgey Twins are all grown up, now, and they’re out to teach us oiks a thing or two. They’ve outgrown the Oxford Silly Buggers Club and joined the Climate Silly Buggers Club.

Last year Rowlatt’s sister Cordelia was among a number of Insulate Britain activists arrested for staging a protest at junction 3 of the M25.

Miss Rowlatt, who once appeared on TV advising her brother on how to be more environmentally friendly, pleaded guilty by post at Crawley Magistrates’ Court. She was fined £300 with £85 court costs and a £34 surcharge for committing a public nuisance on a highway.

Daily Mail

Forgive me for poking fun at the Rowlatt’s poncy, middle-class origins, but it’s all just too typical of nutty climate activists. Take a look at any XR protest: it’s always some Oxbridge-educated twit who is glueing themselves to a train, while working-class people are just trying to get to their job.

Speaking of Oxbridge-educated twits inconveniencing normal people.

The BBC has been accused of using the licence fee to ‘protect environmental extremists’ after its climate editor tried to offer anonymity to a gang deflating tyres.

The Corporation found itself in hot water when Justin Rowlatt asked members of Tyre Extinguishers to star in a clip in which he would hide their identities.

The ‘trusted’ journalist allegedly told the eco-thugs he would blur their faces and disguise their voices in the video for the Beeb.

…As of last week Tyre Extinguishers bragged it had deflated the wheels of nearly 2,000 cars in just a month despite public fury […]

Rob Derkin spotted that three tyres on his Volkswagen T-Roc were flat when he left to take his daughter to college. After unscrewing the valve caps, he discovered dried legumes pushing down the pin to let air out.

Daily Mail

It’s beyond parody that these upper-middle-class hippy gobshites literally wield lentils in their war against the people.

But, frankly, letting down tyres is the least inconvenience these privileged cretins are inflicting on ordinary Britons. Spiralling energy costs — which annually force thousands of pensioners to literally choose between going broke to keep the heater on or freezing to death — are literally deadly.

Not that some poncy BBC tosser ever has to worry about such footling stuff as paying their electric bill.
