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to vax or not to vax

The Covid pandemic has been a global disaster: almost all of the global elites’ making. It wasn’t the disease itself which wreaked three years of havoc, it was the political response. A response driven by so-called “experts” who are not only most often not experts in the stuff they’re pontificating about, but who’ve been proven wrong at nearly every turn.

Among the lasting damage inflicted by the Branch Covidians is the near-fatal undermining of trust in science and scientists. A decade and more of climate alarmism had done enough damage: the blatant lies peddled by the “sole sources of truth” did even more. Perhaps irreparably.

But, just because governments and “experts” have lied, doesn’t mean that an equal and opposite liar should be listened to. Especially a legitimately anti-vax loon like Joe Mercola.

mRNA “vaccines” created by Moderna and Pfizer are gene therapies. They fulfill all the definitions of gene therapy and none of the definitions for a vaccine.

Every single one of those statements is patently untrue.

mRNA contain genetic instructions for making various proteins. mRNA “vaccines” deliver a synthetic version of mRNA into your cells that carry the instruction to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the antigen, that then activates your immune system to produce antibodies.

While this is broadly true, it omits the key piece of information: mRNA does not enter the nucleus of the cell. Therefore they do not alter our DNA – where our genes are located. Thus, they are not a “gene therapy”, as a gene therapy by definition alters genes.

This lying-by-omission is a constant thread in Mercola’s argument.

The only one benefiting from an mRNA “vaccine” is the vaccinated individual, since all they are designed to do is lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein. Since you’re the only one who will reap a benefit, it makes no sense to demand you accept the risks of the therapy “for the greater good” of your community.

This is true, but it does not prove the headline claim, to whit:

mRNA “vaccines” do not meet the medical and/or legal definition of a vaccine.

This is simply, blatantly and staggeringly untrue.

The other common myth circulated by anti-vaxxers is that “they changed the definition of a vaccine after Covid”.

No surprises that this is a whopper.

Watch Mercola’s argument and see if you can spot the lying sleight-of-hand:

The definition of vaccine according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was:

“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”

Immunity, in turn, was defined as:

“Protection from an infectious disease,” meaning that “If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”

The nonsense logic should be obvious. “Protection” does not mean “immune”. Yes, as we have seen, the prophylaxis of the Covid vaccines wears off far quicker than other vaccines (there’s a reason we have flu boosters every year), but that doesn’t change the fact that the effect is there, however poorly.

Therefore, they are absolutely a vaccine. Not a very good one, definitely, but a vaccine nonetheless.

Now the CDC’s definition of a vaccine is a “preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases”.

The Epoch Times

Mercola claims “the differences in the definitions are subtle but distinct”: but they aren’t “distinct”. Mercola’s sole basis for that claim is his earlier lie that it must produce full immunity, or it isn’t a vaccine.

The rest of this garbage is just more of the same hand-waving that hopes its readers are unable to understand the difference between mRNA and DNA. As well as ludicrous claims such as “Covid-19 is not a disease” and “SARS-CoV-2 has yet to be definitively proven to be the actual cause of COVID-19.”

The “changed definition” conspiracy relies on just one agency making a slight adjustment to their definition. But the changes that conspiracy theorists like Mercola are jabbering about were being made in medical dictionaries more than a decade ago, long before Covid was a glint in a Chinese scientist’s eye.

Anthony Fauci is an unconscionable liar. So is Joe Mercola. Avoid them both.


The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

Andrew Coster is off to another cushy taxpayer funded trough – one where his particular brand of sopping-wet wokeness will fit right in. He should have been sacked outright, but here we are.

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