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Two Plus Two Equals Four, No Matter What

Is counting higher than ten offensive to “Indigenous maths”?
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four … And if the party says that it is not four but five—then how many?

George Orwell, “1984”

Of all fields, those of us unburdened by a modern university education might be tempted to think that mathematics is the most universally logical. After all, pick up two pebbles, and then another two, and there will undeniably be four pebbles. It matters not whether one is a white European male, or an African female, an Asian heterosexual or a Native American homosexual: add two to two, and there will always be four.


Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA) president Jason To, who is also the coordinator of secondary mathematics at the Toronto District School Board, has suggested that people who say “2 + 2 = 4” are engaged in “Covert White Supremacy.”

Contrary to those who lie that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools, race-obsessed ideologues like To are shoe-horning the idiotic nostrums of CRT even into maths classes. And he’s making sure that teachers toe the party line. Like O’Brien in 1984, he’ll torture public school teachers with death-by-PowerPoint, until they submit and see five fingers where there are only four.

As a radical advocate for “transforming your math classrooms,” To led over 200 teachers from nearly 60 Toronto schools through a workshop last September to incorporate an “anti-oppressive lens” into their work.

Among the slides, he […] featured a pyramid of “White Supremacy in Math Education.”
At the pyramid’s apex, To included examples of “overt white supremacy” that any reasonable person would consider racist, while the base showed what To thought as “covert white supremacy” […]

Former OMCA president Heather Theijsmeijer, who supported the presentation, concurred that “2 + 2 = 4” proponents are grounded “in white, Western mathematics that marginalizes other possible values.”

Let’s take up the challenge, then. Show participants across the world two fingers and two more fingers, and ask them how many fingers there are. Dare I suggest that even a remote Andaman Islander’s liquid brown eyes will light up as they answer with whatever the Andamanese for “four” might be.

It takes all the indoctrination of years of Marxist study to be able to even consider another “possible value” for “2+2”.

Still, at least the race-grifters are achieving their goal, in their own inimitable way, of “dethroning” mathematics. In fact, they’ve been so successful that Ontario schoolchildren are well on the way to not being able to even answer, “What is 2 + 2?”

According to provincial standardized testing administered by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), less than half of Ontario sixth-grade students meet provincial math standards. In 2018/19, 75% of ninth-graders demonstrated sufficient skill in math — three years later, that’s down to 52%.

Soon, that number will be down to zero, and we’ll all be equal: equally stupid.

What’s worst about this rampant idiocy is that everyone knows it’s stupid, but no-one dares say so. If The Emperor’s New Clothes were to be re-written for modern times, it would end with the enraged mob tearing the truth-telling little boy to pieces for daring to point out the Emperor’s nudity.

Many teachers and parents have become deeply uneasy about the injection of politics in math. Alarmingly, many are petrified to speak — even anonymously — about their experience for fear of losing their jobs.

Wayne, a lifelong educator, confessed his misgivings about Ontario’s education by saying if this “gets out, I’m done.”

Catherine Kronas, a concerned mother and former trustee candidate from Hamilton, reflected that “there are parents who are completely alarmed at what’s happening but fearful of speaking up more” […]

Jeffrey, a soft-spoken Ontario math teacher, admitted most teachers would adopt the curriculum for fear of being considered a racist.

As always, Big Tech is colluding with the credentialled cretins of CRT to shut down reasoned debate.

“I was surfacing some of these issues in Facebook groups and getting shut down, my posts deleted. But talking to parents on the ground, individually, people are beginning to notice something is going on. People are very concerned to the point where they are afraid to discuss it,” she said.

Rebel News

Sounds like hate speech and harmful disinformation. Quick, somebody tell Kate Hannah: people are out there, thinking for themselves! Best put them on a watch-list, right away.


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