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Let me start with a basic fact. Uffindell, together with others, committed an assault on another person, using weapons. This assault was so severe that it left the victim with permanent psychological scars.

It doesn’t matter that the assault happened over 20 years ago.

If this was something that happened in the ‘real world’ instead of a ‘prestigious’ school, there is no doubt that Uffindell would be staring down a prison sentence.

Is the media being hypocritical? You bet. There’s no doubt if it had been a Labour MP the media would be spinning it as a ‘bad boy turned good’ story. But like a stopped clock that’s correct twice a day, it doesn’t mean the media is wrong in this case.

This isn’t about simply bullying. It’s about a grievous assault.

If this was about inappropriate emails or name-calling, or even making sexually suggestive comments about someone else, then Uffindell should stay, no argument. But it’s not.

Also, as far as I’m aware, Uffindell campaigned on a platform of law and order. He’s also admitted to doing dope and I bet he voted no in the cannabis referendum. That makes him a prize hypocrite.

And let’s not forget, MP Todd McClay was told about the attack during the selection process. He needs to go too.

According to Luxon, National is a party for law and order. If Luxon doesn’t get rid of Uffindell, then National will become a party of hypocrisy. They’ll make the Greens who want to ban everything except cannabis and bicycles look like a party of sincerity.
