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UK Copies Hotel Quarantine – What Could Go Wrong?

Hotel quarantine in London – what could possibly go wrong? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It was not Albert Einstein, alas, but some (Alchoholics) Anonymous wit who coined the phrase, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Regardless of its provenance, we see the truth of the adage borne out nearly every day. Especially in the era of the Chinese virus.

For the past year, we have seen panicked governments engaging in an endless conga-line of stupidity, heads stuck up each other’s rear ends, while Xi Xinping plays the cha-cha-cha beat.

Lockdowns and mass-masking, for instance, were right off the radar for pandemic management. Long-formulated plans for managing the next respiratory virus outbreak were very clear, from nation to nation and even at the WHO. Right until the very moment that a Wuhan lab worker started to sniffle, the WHO was ruling out measures like mass quarantine and border closures.

But then China’s communist dictators locked down the entire city of Wuhan in a brutal display of tyrannical might. Governments around the world could hardly contain themselves in their rush to ape the communists. Never mind whether it works or not (the evidence is clear: it doesn’t), panicked governments were desperate to be seen to be doing something (besides, they just love the absolute power).

They’re still at it. Stupidly, blindly doing over and over again what hasn’t worked elsewhere and expecting different results.

A new hotel quarantine system modelled on Australia’s hardline border regime is in disarray just a week before starting in Britain, as concerns grow over the spread of a mutant coronavirus strain.

Who is advising them on this? Daniel Andrews?

Hundreds of thousands of citizens are thought to have entered Britain in the three weeks between the initial hotel quarantine announcement and scheme’s commencement on February 15.

The government is also yet to sign any contracts with hotel chains even though the rooms need to be available in less than a week[…]

Deals will likely be struck over the coming days but there will be little time left to reopen the hotels, find staff and convert the buildings into COVID-safe operations.

Why don’t they just use WhatsApp? It worked a treat in Victoria.

Knowing Britain, contracts will be handed out with “diversity” as the leading criterion and guards will be trained in “inclusion” instead of proper use of PPE.

Unlike Australia, the UK largely kept its borders open during the pandemic. Arrivals have not been subject to any mandatory tests after landing, and adherence to home quarantine is rarely policed.

About 10,000 people arrived in the UK every day in late January. Nearly 1.2 million people arrived at Heathrow Airport last December.

Sydney Morning Herald

So, yeah… good luck with that hotel quarantine.

I’m sure it will work just as well as it did in Victoria. I mean, it’s not like there have been constant cases of the Wuhan plague being spread from hotel quarantine. Not even in remote New Zealand.

I’m sure it will be different this time.

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