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UK Health Chiefs Blatantly Lie About COVID

grayscale photography of nursing bed
Photo by Daan Stevens. The BFD.

We all know that the elite have been shamelessly exploiting the CCP virus pandemic from the get-go. But could they please stop treating us like the biggest mugs on the planet, and telling the most obvious lies?

Still, I suppose they must be fooling someone, or else why would they keep doing it? Presumably, there are still nitwits gullible enough to sit, glued to the daily propaganda broadcasts, breathlessly clutching their hankies and believing without question the constant avalanche of bullshit from Jacinda, Ashley, Siouxsie, and Dan.

But some lies are so obvious that even the seasoned liars of the mainstream media can spot them.

Health chiefs have come under fire for claims that the NHS has had 14 times as many Covid-19 admissions as it did at this time last year.

Amanda Pritchard, the head of NHS England, told Sky News on Monday: “We have had 14 times the number of people in hospital with Covid-19 than we saw this time last year and we have also had a record number of A&E attendances and indeed a record number of 999 calls.”

Here’s the thing: we can look this stuff up. And we can see for ourselves that you’re lying through your teeth.

The facts. The BFD.
Latest published data on Covid-19 hospital admissions in England show that, in fact, the number of people in hospital with Covid-19 is significantly lower than last year.

The statistics for November 2 show 7,510 in hospital with Covid-19 in England, compared with 10,397 the same time last year.

Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: “Fourteen times?! How can anyone believe this? It is so wildly, off-the-scale wrong you wonder whether someone misheard her.”

Professor Francois Balloux, director of the University College London Genetics Institute, described Ms Pritchard’s claim as “nonsense”.


Never underestimate the wide-eyed gullibility of people who want to be fooled. I’ll never forget hearing a Labor candidate spruiking Kevin Rudd’s then-broadband as delivering internet that was 40% faster: “That’s 40 times faster!”

If you spotted the obviously wrong maths there, congratulations: you’re smarter than an ABC radio host, who swallowed the claim without comment.

But wildly exaggerated nonsense about covid has been a constant for the last two years. And still is. Scarcely a week goes by without some hand-waving politician or bureaucrat gibbering about “overwhelmed hospitals” — and idiot media breathlessly repeating it.

Even when we can’t check up on up-to-the-date data (Australia’s health system data is notably more opaque than the UK or US), citizen journalists are simply rocking up to hospitals. Invariably, rather than “overwhelmed”, hospitals are quiet — if not all-but-empty.

No wonder nurses have so much time to make all those TikTok videos.

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