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Ultimatum One is from The Freedoms & Rights Coalition to the NZ Government.

  • Mandates Gone by 1 March

We are asking all New Zealanders to give their consent to this.

In short, from 10am this Tuesday, 1 March 2022 we want all Kiwis to now behave like all COVID-19 Public Health Response Act orders and notices have been revoked.

Ultimatum two:

After overturning Police and Defence vaccine mandates in court, Matthew Hague the lawyer for more than two hundred uniformed personnel wrote to the PM yesterday giving her till Friday this week to remove ‘discriminatory’ vaccine certificates.

“If the Covid vaccination certificates requirement is not removed by 4 March 2022, United We Stand has instructed us to apply for judicial review of the order.”

Matthew Hague, Frontline Law
“The Covid vaccination certificates requirement does not prevent or limit the risk of the outbreak or spread of Covid-19,” he wrote. “United We Stand ask that you immediately revoke the order or amend it to remove the Covid vaccination certificates requirement.”

[…] He has also written to Police Commissioner Andrew Coster and Chief of Defence Air Marshal Kevin Short, saying it was not enough to just pause the termination processes. Those who have taken leave without pay should now be allowed to return to work, and those who resigned under threat of dismissal should be allowed to get their old jobs back.

