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Proudly brought to you by the UN. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You’d think that the UN would have been shamed into shutting its enormous, corrupt yap over “Palestine” by now. The revelations that UN agencies — long overseen by former NZ PM Helen Clark — are neck-deep in Hamas’ vile atrocities would be too embarrassing even for a corrupt creep like Antonio Guterres to brazen through.

The United Nations “will not be party” to any forced displacement of Palestinians currently living in Rafah, the spokesman for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Monday, saying there was nowhere safe in Gaza for them to go.

Well, the United Nations can just pull its head in and slink away in ignominy. This stinking, bloated parasite has blown what little credibility it has left.

After all, as we now know, hundreds of UN employees are also members of Hamas. Which is akin to the League of Nations employing SA Brownshirts in Weimar Berlin. We also know that the UN-employed thugs took part in the horrific orgy of rape and slaughter on October 7. Its facilities have been used freely as bases for Hamas to perpetrate its reign of terrorism. Its agencies have for years been complicit in promulgating the vilest anti-Semitic propaganda.

In short: shut the fuck up, UN. You have no place at the table of decency.

But the UN isn’t the only corrupt trans-national body freaking out right now

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor has said he’s “deeply concerned” at the imminent Israeli ground offensive into Rafah, warning that anyone breaching international law would be held accountable.

Karim Khan said in a statement published on X, formerly Twitter, that his office’s investigation into events in Gaza is “being taken forward as a matter of the utmost urgency.”

“I am deeply concerned by the reported bombardment and potential ground incursion by Israeli forces in Rafah,” he said.

What are they so alarmed about?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered his military to prepare for an offensive in the southern Gaza city, where the UN says roughly 1.4 million Palestinians are sheltering after fleeing fighting in other areas of the territory.

And so are the shattered remnants of Hamas, and, most likely, the Israeli hostages possibly left alive.

That’s what got the UN panicked: Israel is on the verge of winning and crushing the UN’s favourite terrorist organisation.

On the other hand, Egypt is clearly alarmed at the prospect of having to deal with Palestinian refugees, whom they’ve kept firmly locked out for decades. Other Arab nations are in a panic at the thought of actually having to stump up for their fellow Arabs.

Israel is proposing the creation of sprawling tent cities in Gaza as part of an evacuation plan to be funded by the U.S. and its Arab Gulf partners ahead of an impending invasion of a city in the strip’s south, where 1.2 million Palestinians are sheltering and which Israel says is the last bastion of Hamas.

The Australian

In response, Egypt has rushed dozens of tanks to the border, to make sure the buggers stay out.

It’s notable that, for all their rhetoric over “Palestine”, other Arab nations have done their level best to keep Palestinians firmly locked out of their own countries.

Gosh, I wonder why?
