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Blue collar workers wait to confront green anti-coal protesters in Queensland last year. Picture: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images. The BFD.

Slowly and steadily, the globalist elite are giving up even pretending any more. National sovereignty is being steadily crushed under the foot of transnational oligarchies.

Few worse than the UN. Despite its foundational principle of the sanctity of national sovereignty, the UN is behaving more and more like a global tyrant.

Australia has fewer than 10 years to shut its coalmining industry and find new jobs for workers under a UN timetable that will inflame tensions over Scott Morrison’s stand on net-zero emissions and the ambition of his 2030 climate goals.

UN assistant Secretary-General Selwin Hart says the goal to keep future warming below 1.5C within reach requires “the ­urgent global phase-out of coal”.

Darryl Kerrigan has a simple response to this kind of bullshit:

But if the UN is really committed to phasing out coal, it ought to take up the issue with the world’s single-largest coal consumer. Naturally, the globalist bully is too gutless to take on the giant panda in the room.

Pressure on Australia from the UN to exit coal, commit to a net-zero target by 2050 and lift its ambition to cut greenhouse gas emissions more swiftly comes as China rejects attempts by the US to shape action on ­climate change in the world’s biggest emissions nation[…]

As the UN puts pressure on Australia, US special climate envoy John Kerry has been in China seeking to negotiate a joint agreement between the world’s two biggest emitters before the Glasgow talks. China accounts for 27 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, higher than the developed world combined.

The country aims to peak emissions before 2030 and says it will be carbon neutral by 2060, but has increased the pace of coal-power development domestically and internationally.

Given the Chinese Communist Party’s 70 year track record of barefaced lies, only a complete fool would be gullible enough to believe that statement. Enter, John Kerry.

Mr Kerry had presented a list of proposals for Beijing to accelerate its climate efforts. They included a public commitment to the 1.5C limit of global warming targeted in the 2015 Paris Agreement, a definite timeframe for carbon emissions to peak before 2030, and a moratorium on financing overseas coal-fired projects.

This is the fellow, remember, who was astounded that terrorists freed from Guantanamo Bay went straight back to jihadin’. “He’s not supposed to do that,” a dumbfounded Kerry mumbled.

The Biden administration is sending the dullest butter-knife in its drawer to a Chinese gunfight.

On Saturday the South China Morning Post said Beijing had rebuffed American calls to make more public pledges on ­climate change before November, insisting it should follow its own plan […] during the negotiations, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the Sino-US climate change co-operation “cannot be separated from the overall environment of Sino-US relations”.

The Chinese demands included the US must not challenge, slander or even attempt to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; the US must not attempt to obstruct or interrupt China’s development process, remove all unilateral sanctions, high tariffs, long-arm jurisdiction and technology blockade it had imposed; and the US must not infringe upon China’s state sovereignty or damage China’s territorial integrity – referring to issues surrounding China’s Xinjiang province, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The Australian

With a dullard like Kerry negotiating on behalf of a senescent codger in the White House who wants to hope that China won’t get its way at every turn.

I’d trade a few mean tweets from the Bad Orange Man for the clown show now running America, any day.

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