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Unimportant Facts and all that Jazz

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

A National Geographic article “New Zealand has ‘effectively eliminated’ coronavirus” available online 1 May had some lefties in a bit of a tizzy on twitcom. Rest assured it was a puff-piece lauding our lady leader, but what upset the cry-babies was an excellent piece of research from the NatGeo journos, who obviously spent a bit of time on The BFD during their stay here:

“The sudden austerity could have been a cause for panic. But each day, the 39-year-old Ardern, or “Jaz” as she’s popularly known…”

Which innocent hypocorism saw toys launched from the cot and retorts indignant and shouty. Poor things. Long live Jaz, I say.


Another piece of puffery featuring “Jaz” that day was a New York Times editorial headed up “In a Crisis, True Leaders Stand Out” which scribble had spent next-to-no-time in the fact-check room and we know that because, according to the NYT, it is her “trust” of science which, along with other leaders of the feminine variety, is her strength. Indeed, we are assured twice, she has “respect for science”.

If the NYT editorial board had spent time perusing The BFD they would realise the falsity of their statement because they would know that when science urged Jaz to shut the borders on March 6th she didn’t “respect” the science: far from it. In fact, she ignored the scientists all and their science, doing exactly nothing with their recommendations for more than a week, until forced to act, and even then chose the scientists’ least-preferred option.

The NYT board would also be edified by finding that when our best scientists in the appropriate field – infectious disease specialists and public health experts – produced a report enumerating the health and potential mortality statistics of this pandemic it too was ignored by our leader. She chose instead to run with numbers from an obscure ex-Soros speculator who knows as much about pandemics as Professor Michael Baker (MBChB, FNZCPHM, FRACMA, DComH, DObst) knows about corrupting Hong Kong’s currency.

Because the left is re-writing history as we watch — full speed ahead, damn the facts — Ms Ardern gets away with it. Her cult of blissfully unaware followers croon for her, unable to wake from their collective coma unless you refer to her as Jaz because that seems to really get them up and going.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke. “Jaz is not amused.”

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