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Unprofessional NZ Herald Reveals Vicious Streak

The BFD “It’s not long now…” Credit Lady Wellington

Dear readers if you ever laboured under any illusions that the NZ Herald was a professional, reputable and trusted source of journalism, let me disabuse you of that notion. But before I go into the story let me first let you all know the background. My husband Cameron Slater is acting as an expert witness in a trial and was in court yesterday, the same day that the NZ Herald deliberately placed his photo next to a completely unrelated story that an average person would think was about him. It is vicious and deliberate defamation.

NZ Herald smears expert witness in trial.The BFD

This is not the first time that the NZ Herald has done this to my husband! It is the third time! The one before this one they placed his photo above a story about a sex pest who had been arrested outside some men’s toilets. This was in the days before he had his stroke.

All three times that they did this to Cameron they placed his image beside a story that a reasonable person would assume was about him.

All three times the story was about a disgusting crime.

This is Dirty Journalism and they get away with doing it over and over and over again with no censure or punishment let alone an apology.

Hi Shayne,

Please see attached a screenshot from your website.
It places an image of me against a story that has nothing to do with me.
This is the third time your organisation has done this.

It is becoming tiresome having to draw such childish antics to your attention.
This surely cannot be happenstance, especially after I just spent all day listening to NZME’s counsel telling a judge about how the publishers he represents are “ethical”, operate to standards and are “honest brokers” who do not show bias.

I hesitate to call senior counsel a liar, but what else can he be called when your publication does things like this?

Please correct this and notify that you have done so.

Kind regards
Cam Slater

I would like to add my own message to Shayne Currie the editor of the NZ Herald and it is this…

The BFD “It’s not long now…” Credit Lady Wellington
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