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UPDATED: Man Assaulted by Police for Shopping with His Own Partner

**This article has been republished. It is one of the most popular articles from 2021.

Watch as a Police Officer assaults a man in his car for the ‘crime’ of shopping with his partner:

This is just insane. This Police officer stopped these people because they went into a supermarket separately but then got into the same car afterwards. What the hell are they supposed to do? Drive home in different cars?

Sorry Officer but just because you’ve been mandated extra-ordinary new powers, it doesn’t mean you need to embrace them so enthusiastically!

If you’re going to swear at someone, don’t do it while they are pointing a camera at you, and don’t steal it out of their hand then throw it at them, committing what might be classed as assault.

This is a salutary lesson of how to interact with over-bearing Police officers. This shows clearly that the cops have no evidence if you don’t give them any. By not replying to the cop’s questions, the guy hasn’t incriminated himself. Again, he was probably being a smart arse beforehand; the girl says ‘why are you doing this’ to him so she just wants to get out of there.

Government Covid-19 website

The rules say

If possible



to send 1 person per household to do the shopping, and make sure you practise 2 metre physical distancing and good hygiene while out. Wear a face covering when out shopping.”

There is no regulation that mandates a single person only. So the Police officer was trying to enforce a rule that he was actually unable to enforce. He was acting outside of the law, and arguably has assaulted this man.

The BFD attempted to contact the officer involved but at the time of publication had received no reply.


A Police Spokesperson has responded to our inquiries:

We set high standards for our staff, and we are proud of how our staff are out in the community every day policing to keep people safe in an Alert Level 4 environment.

By far the vast majority of people have adhered to the restrictions in place and we are grateful to the community for that.

We acknowledge that the response in this instance was not what we expect of our staff and we will be speaking to the officer involved.

Police will not be commenting further on internal matters as we have privacy obligations to consider.


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