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US Court Rules on Fluoride Toxicity

Calls for an immediate halt to New Zealand’s water fluoridation schemes.

Photo by Isaac Quesada / Unsplash


In August 2024 the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the USA finally published State of the Science Concerning Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopment and Cognition: A Systematic Review. Despite being finalised in May 2022, public health officials across multiple health and human services agencies blocked its publication, as revealed by internal emails obtained via freedom of information requests.

More than two years on, and simultaneous to the NTP release, the Federal Court ruled on 24 September, in a case against the Environmental Protection Agency, that:

Thus, the Court finds Plaintiffs have met their burden in establishing, by a preponderance of the evidence, that community water fluoridation at 0.7 mg/L presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health under Amended TSCA and that the EPA is thus obliged to take regulatory action in response.

As reported by Fluoride Free New Zealand, our water fluoridation target is 0.85mg/L and some councils fluoridate to the Ministry of Health top-end target of 1mg/L. For each 0.28mg/L of fluoride found in a pregnant woman’s urine, a one-point drop in IQ is likely to occur in her unborn child. Brain damage is across the domains of neurological function, not just intelligence.

Whilst the Ministry of Health (MoH) continue to claim that water fluoridation at levels directed in NZ are “safe and effective”, median urine fluoride levels observed in pregnant women in New Zealand are 0.82mg/L. The neurotoxicity impacts of this include but are not limited to, impaired foetal brain development, impaired memory and learning capacity, reduced intelligence, delayed developmental milestones and neurobehavioural deficits.

All New Zealand children whose mothers have consumed fluoridated water while pregnant have most probably sustained central nervous system damage resulting in lowered IQ and/or symptoms of ADHD, anxiety or depression.

Despite ongoing claims by the MoH that fluoridated water results in significantly reduced childhood tooth decay, dental health has improved population-wide since the 1950s. Improvements began prior to the introduction of fluoridation and are observed across populations regardless of water fluoridation. This is likely thanks to a multitude of reasons including improved diet and more toothbrushing.

Even if water fluoridation made a significant difference to dental health, how can it be argued that preventing tooth decay is more important than preventing the effects of neurotoxicity on developing brains? We have added to the multiple calls made by Fluoride Free NZ to Director General of Health Diana Sarfarti.

Dr Diana Sarfati needs to immediately call a halt to all fluoridation schemes throughout the country. Not to do so is beyond all sense of reasonableness.

Councils who have been directed to fluoridate must push back against the directive. All those currently fluoridating their public water supplies must urgently stop now.

Perhaps Dr Sarfati plucked out of thin air the idea that fluoride is zero risk, the exact words used by the Medical Council of New Zealand’s Chairman to summarise its view of the Covid jabs at the start of the rollout, as was heard in the high court last week. Seemingly both eminent doctors have their own science, based on fantasy, arrogance or delusion.

Dr Reti acknowledged he had his own science when he stated ‘I believe in a different science’, but was unable to cite his sources when asked in 2023.

Let’s not beat about the bush here. Continuing chemical fluoridation now clearly is a crime, with wilful intent to continue in the face of strong proof of harm. 

Please Sign the Petition

Fluoride Free New Zealand’s Petition of Fluoride Free New Zealand: Stop water fluoridation closes on 19 November 2024. For the protection of our future generations please sign and share.

Learn More at Our Previous Articles

  1. The Hidden Dangers of Fluoride in Water: How to Protect Your Health and Environment
  2. “Just Following Orders” – and The Fluoride Fraud
  3. Water Fluoridation Part 1: Understanding the Fluoride Controversy
  4. Water Fluoridation Part 2: Dirty Politics and the Implications for Population Health
  5. Fluoride TV Ad – Hazardous Waste

Fluoride is a Waste Product

Learn about censorship of this television advertisement, which aired on TV3 in 2016, at Fluoride Free NZ.

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
