The barefaced cheek of the Australian university sector is beyond belief. These arrogant, ideologically deranged nitwits are not just destroying everything the university was supposed to stand for – knowledge creation and dissemination, fostering critical thinking and preparing individuals for careers and contributing to societal development – they’re wrecking the country with their deranged greed.
Universities have willingly become a backdoor immigration scheme, importing millions of ‘foreign students’ who mostly never leave. At the same time, they contribute to the dumbing-down of education. Not only do many foreign students lack basic English skills, but courses are deliberately bowdlerised to pander to the dictates of the Chinese Communist Party. Often because CCP operatives are given official roles on campuses.
Well, if Australian governments are too gutless to do something about it, thank God America has a president who will.
At least six universities in Australia have had American funding for research projects paused or cancelled, as US agencies work to deliver President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, the ABC has learned.
It comes after the Australian National University (ANU) became the first Australian institution to acknowledge termination of funding.
The US is Australia’s biggest research partner and Australian universities receive millions of dollars in funding from American government sources each year.
They take even more from Communist China. They allow the Chinese government and its ‘Confucius Centres’ to install CCP goons on campus, where they keep Chinese nationals studying in Australia under surveillance and menace and even bash Australian citizens who criticise China. The CCP also makes its malign influence felt in curriculum design, where facts inconvenient to Beijing are erased, or completely lied about.
Which makes two-faced bleating like this ring ridiculously hollow:
“This is really concerning and the thin end of the wedge in terms of where it potentially could go,” Group of Eight CEO Vicki Thomson said […] “If this was any other country, it verges on foreign interference. It’s just remarkable.”
You absolute fucking hypocrites. You’ve been kowtowing to China for years, out of pure greed and ideological derangement. Don’t try and get on your little high horses, now.
What were the questions that have so upset the university elite?
Does your organization encourage free speech and encourage open debate and free sharing of information?
Can you confirm that your organization does not work with entities associated with communist, socialist, or totalitarian parties, or any party that espouses anti-American beliefs?
Can you confirm that your organization has not received ANY funding from the PRC (including Confucius Institutes and/or partnered with Chinese state or non-state actors), Russia, Cuba, or Iran? […]
“The nature of the questionnaire was quite astounding,” Ms Thomson said.
No, what is, well, not astounding so much as predictably disgusting, is that Australia’s elite universities apparently couldn’t answer ‘NO’ to any of those questions.
Especially not when they’re peddling the sort of ‘Struggle Session’ stuff you’d expect from Maoist China:
Macquarie University law students who face the threat of failing a component of a key exam if they perform an underwhelming acknowledgment of country have been made to adopt different personas and perform a “privilege walk” in order to better understand power and status […]
In the same class, they were also taught that the concept of childhood was a social construct, and that “children should not be viewed as mini humans with mini human rights, rather they should be equal to adults.”
Including sexual consent? These are the same arguments used by pro-paedophilia ‘Queer Theory’ academics. They’re not just communists: they’re groomers.
Bulldoze the universities. Do it now.
They’re beyond redemption. Start again from scratch.