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US Democrat Tlaib Blames ‘White Supremacy’ for Antisemitic Shooting Carried Out by Black Supremacists

Insane Gunt Rashida Tlaib

US Democrat and minor Squad member Rashida Tlaib has outdone herself this week. In a tweet as bizarre and lopsided as any that we have come to expect from our own Golriz Ghahraman, she blamed a recent antisemitic murdering of Jews in New Jersey on ‘White Supremacy’.

Now we know that much like our very own racist Green Maramas, these Squad members are never ones to let facts get in the way of a good anti-white story but to be honest, this is a new low for Tlaib, using the hate crime murders of Orthodox Jews in her Jihad against Whites.

You see the problem is that the offenders in this crime were Black people. The assailants, who also killed three bystanders and one police officer, have been identified as David N. Anderson, 47, and Francine Graham, 50. Mr Anderson appeared to have a connection to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, the same group which taunted the Covington kids with homophobic slurs.

The New York Times reported Anderson had posted anti-Semitic and anti-police screeds on the Internet, and the massacre is being investigated as a hate crime.

As described by the Conservative Daily Post, Tlaib

“didn’t care enough to find out what happened. Just enough to use dead Jews for her political agenda.”

Tlaib quickly deleted her tweet after commenters advised her that her ‘white supremacists’ were actually ‘black supremacists’ but she made no attempt to apologise for, or to recant her mistake.

As a Palestinian descendant who has come out in support of the BDS movement, it does seem odd that Tlaib may have been actually intending to commiserate with the Jewish community in her tweet.

Maybe that was the case, or maybe she is just another example of the unhinged Left’s never-ending quest to show the world that they detest everyone that isn’t like themselves.

Rashida Tlaib, insane Gunt.


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The First Falcons of Spring

The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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