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Vaccine Unsafe For 80% Of Australians

Vaccine, injection, disease, doctor,needle

Is it any wonder that Australians are so “vaccine hesitant” when it comes to the COVID vaccines? Unlike the British, who have basically been locked in their homes and told they can’t come out until they submit to “the jab”, Australians aren’t exactly rushing to bare their arms and think of the Great Reset.

And why would they? When the same finger-wagging bureaucrats and dictatorial politicians who swear, hand on heart, that the rushed-to-market vaccines are totally fine are the same liars who told us that we’d be dying in the streets in our thousands.

They also plunge us into lockdowns the instant a handful of cases leak, yet again, from their appallingly-managed hotel quarantines. They persist with both policies in the face of undeniable evidence that they are useless, if not disastrous.

Yet these health fascists never feel bound by their own rules. Whether it’s NZ’s health minister sneaking out for a run on the beach, Britain’s “Professor Wrongo”, Neil Ferguson, nipping out to shag someone else’s missus, or Victoria’s “COVID czar” slipping out of state for a health bureaucrat’s beano while everyone else is locked down in a “ring of steel”.

Then there is the ever-changing “health advice” from our Sole Sources of Truth. These folks change their minds almost as often as Anthony Fauci.

After insisting that the AstraZeneca vaccine is, like, the safest thing ever, suddenly, 80% of Australians are warned that it’s too dangerous for them.
The AstraZeneca vaccine is now only recommended for people aged over 60 after new advice from the nation’s immunisation regulator.

So, that’s just 20% of the population who should take it. For the rest of we 80%, it might not be so safe as we’ve been finger-wagged.

At least 60 Australians developed a rare syndrome after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine over the past two months which led to a decision which now recommends the vaccine only to those aged 60 years and over.

Chief medical officer Paul Kelly said new information had revealed 12 new cases of a “rare but sometimes very serious clotting condition” linked to AstraZeneca in the past week.

He reassured Australians “every single death” following a Covid-19 vaccine was being reviewed, but only two had been directly linked to the jab.

Oddly, they’re a lot more rigorous about excluding deaths from the COVID vaccines than they are about COVID itself. As we know, Britain, for instance, classed everyone who died after recording a positive COVID test as a “COVID death” – even if they’d been killed in a car accident.

Which is the real point, here.

The media, government and health bureaucrats are constantly changing their stories – even as they remain absolute certain that anyone who questions them is an “anti-vaxxer”, a “denier”, “anti-science”… pick your pejorative.

He said the Federal government would immediately open access to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for Australians aged 40-59, accepting ATAGI’s “strong, clear advice” as it had done throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

At least, the “strong, clear advice” du jour. Who knows what it will be tomorrow? We live in exciting times, folks.

Of course, no COVID announcement is complete without some scary, scary-sounding numbers.

Professor Murphy warned those aged over 70 faced a mortality rate of more than 10 per cent if they contracted Covid-19, urging them against avoiding their vaccination.

The Australian

If they contract it. The odds of that are vanishingly small.
But hey: don’t ask questions. They’re the experts after all. Stop worrying, you stupid “deniers”.

Don’t start thinking for yourself: that’s what the state is here for.

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