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Vaping: The Difference Between ENDS & THC cartridges.

There have been a lot of misleading statements published in the media recently about the dangers of vaping, according to a New Zealand based supplier of Vapes. In an attempt to counteract the misinformation they released the following statement.

Up until now the New Zealand vape industry has done an outstanding job self-regulating and helping countless New Zealanders to quit smoking and live healthier and happier lives. It was the industry itself who imposed strict R18 guidelines on vaping products and it is the industry who ensures quality and safety standards of e-liquid remains high.

The vape industry in New Zealand is largely responsible for the downtrend of smoking. Unfortunately, now due to pressure on media from overseas corporations, we are hearing of major illnesses that have never been reported in the past 10 years that e-cigarettes have been commercially available to mainstream markets.

We feel that now more than ever, it is necessary to educate the public on the difference between ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery System) and THC cartridges.

NZ Media has been dishonest in its broadcasting of these recent events, unfairly blanketing every article and problem under the term ‘Vaping’. Let us be clear, Nicotine is not THC.

Nicotine vape products legally purchased from a legitimate vendor in New Zealand are safe to use and are substantially less harmful (at least 95%) than smoking cigarettes.

THC cartridges are already illegal here and not readily available. It is a tragedy that people overseas have been sold these THC cartridges containing vitamin E acetate (tocopheryl acetate). This is a chemical that should never be inhaled. The THC cartridges that were found containing this chemical have been confirmed as counterfeit products.

Vitamin E Acetate has never been linked to or used in any of our E-Liquid nicotine products. We are deeply saddened, and our thoughts go out to the families and friends of those affected by recent deaths and illnesses in the States. Not to downplay the tragedy for those 6 people and their families, but to keep it in perspective that is in relation to an estimated 480,000 smoking-related deaths recorded yearly in the USA alone. 41,000 of these are cases where the patient did not smoke themselves but was regularly subjected to second-hand smoke. Our thoughts go out to those families as well.

[…] It’s time for us to band together as Manufacturers, Distributors, Vendors and Consumers to fight for our right to vape and to push back against this misinformation provided by the media that puts this at risk
