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Vax Discrimination Spreads Faster Than Delta

Gulags. Cartoon credit BoomSlang.

Reclaim the Net reports on the unvaccinated being banned from business premises.

Australia’s often draconian measures in response to the epidemic continue to intensify, with reports now saying that one of its states, New South Wales (NSW) is threatening to jail unvaccinated people who try to enter business premises without a COVID vaccination pass.

[…]In what appears to have been an attempt to intimidate anyone who might try to enter a store or a restaurant without a vaccination pass, NSW Customer Service Minister Victor Dominello is quoted as telling ABC, “If people want to do the wrong thing, if they get found out it could be jail time there.”

[…]The spokesperson added that businesses and their customers share responsibility in complying with vaccine certificates rules. But on Monday, Dominello went on another show to once again say that business owners should report people who refuse to show the pass to the police.

Let’s think about this for a moment. Is this the same as having a sign saying “Whites only”? No, because in the present case the rationale is that unvaccinated people are a threat to the vaccinated (I won’t mention the inherent contradiction). Kind of like restaurants not allowing people to smoke because of the proven fact that second-hand cigarette smoke is harmful. But if the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated then why not ban people with bad cases of the flu? I’ve never heard of a rest home for example, banning people with influenza or any other disease that’s contagious – they leave it up to the individuals concerned.

And here’s the other thing. Unvaccinated doesn’t mean you have Covid. In fact, chances are you don’t. So people are being banned from places simply because of the very spurious assumption that they “might” have Covid. This is something that I believe is unprecedented.

Here’s something else to think about. You’re now better off being caught smoking meth in public than being caught 100 metres outside your bubble virtual prison cell. Let that sink in.
