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Vax Passes Are Working Well, Aren’t They?

There is a line in the Chernobyl film that accurately portrays the situation that we find ourselves in today:

“When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there but it is still there. Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.”

-Valery Legasov, ‘Chernobyl’

And so we were told that the virus was literally hunting down the unvaccinated. That unvaccinated people must be kept out of society because of that and that vaccines and vaccine passports would enable us to escape the pandemic.

All lies. Day after day we are being told of locations of interest that only vaccinated people can go to. This was from yesterday:

Six Auckland night club and bars have been listed as locations of interest over the past two days on the Ministry of Health website.

The bars and clubs across Auckland Central include Saturdays Britomart, AV Club, Danny Doolan’s Auckland central, Round 6, Roxy Bar and G.A.Y.

Both Danny Doolan’s and Saturdays have two seperate exposure events listed.

Exposure events are from dates listed between 5 and 12 January.

Anyone who visited these locations at the times on the Ministry of Health website are considered close contacts.

They are required to self isolate and get tested immediately and on day five after exposure.


All of those locations require vaccine passports and full vaccination in order to attend. Exclusively, just the vaccinated, both staff and patrons.

It’s all working swimmingly, isn’t it?

Are you getting the picture yet? All of those sites actively discriminate against the unvaccinated and prevent them from entering. Only vaccinated people can go there.

The people smugly attending these places all think they are protected, that they can neither catch nor pass on the virus. The smug self-satisfaction of these people is now suffocating them as the truth outs itself in the face of an orchestrated litany of lies designed to convince you to roll up your sleeves.

You’ve all been lied to. Neither the vaccine nor the vaccine passports are doing anything to stop infections; in fact, they are in all likelihood about to explode, proving the exact opposite.

The lies are becoming more and more apparent on a daily basis. At some point, the debt to the truth must be paid.

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