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Vegan Activist Targets Farms – Except the Ones His Family Owns

No farmer or worker should have to put up with violent, militant idiots like these.

It seems that anti-farmer activism doesn’t begin at home for animal activist Chris Delforce.

Delforce is the activist behind the insidious “Aussie Farms” map, which lists the location and contact details of every farm in Australia. The map, along with Delforce’s nutty “documentary”, Dominion, have been the driving force behind the recent outbreak of intimidation against farmers, including mass raids, by swivel-eyed vegan fruitcakes.

Except that, curiously, it doesn’t list every farm in Australia, after all.

Farming family members of prominent animal activist Chris Delforce are not listed on his controversial Aussie Farms map.

We’re not talking vegan-friendly kale plantations, either. These are poor, baby moo-cow torturing, murderous, blood-soaked cattle farms.

This is despite Mr Delforce, the executive director of the registered charity, saying the map was “not opt-in transparency” when it launched earlier this year.

Mr Delforce is friends with his farming family members on Facebook, who publicly post pictures of their farm.

His farming relative did not want to comment on the map when contacted by The Weekly Times.

So, it’s different when it’s their privacy at stake.

When asked why his family were not on the map, Mr Delforce claimed the map had “never” listed individual farmers or their families, despite the fact most of the farms listed on the map are family run.

“The map has never pinpointed individual farmers or their families. It pinpoints the locations of businesses known or suspected to be engaging in animal cruelty or exploitation,” he said.

It is the first time Mr Delforce has claimed the almost 6000 farmers and businesses on the map are “known or suspected to be engaging in animal cruelty or exploitation”.

By upping his rhetoric, Delforce may well have left himself open to litigation.

Macpherson Kelley litigation lawyer Samantha McGeogh said Mr Delforce risked legal action by drawing links between the farmers on the map and animal cruelty.

“If Mr Delforce is unable to back up those claims then he could potentially open himself up to a defamation claim by those farmers or their families whose names have been included on the map,” she said.

Victorian Farmers Federation egg group vice-president Brian Ahmed, who had activists break into his Werribee farm, said…“If his family doesn’t want to be on the map, why is it good for the rest of us?”

It turns out, too, that the hypocritical apple hasn’t fallen very far from the tree.

The Weekly Times revealed last week Mr Delforce’s mother Julie, a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade agriculture official, is being investigated after it was reported she had a link to Aussie Farms.
