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Victoria: Where the Young Die in Secret

Victoria: A state of despair. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Victoria has become the police state of Australia. Last year the socialist Andrews government placed Melbourne under curfew for the first time in its history. Not even in the darkest days of WWII was such a dramatic stripping-away of basic human rights ever imposed.

Now, he’s doing it again.

What’s worse is that there is no plausible justification. Despite the fearmongering over the Delta variant, deaths in Victoria this time are the merest fraction of what they were during the last outbreak (an outbreak entirely due, it must be remembered, to the Andrews government’s incompetence).

The Melbourne curfew marks the death of common sense[…]

Not only is the curfew a vast overreach, it misreads community sentiment and will deliver little to no practical benefit.

No matter how much Andrews tries, unconvincingly, to claim “expert advice”, it’s plain that he is motivated by spiteful politics. Andrews is pandering to the Melbourne-Sydney rivalry to shore up his own position.

Daniel Andrews will use the curfew to compare Victoria with NSW; Gladys Berejiklian is drowning in the virus because she went too slow, for too long[…]

But the curfew fails the pub test because police, if you believe their union, broadly do not want to enforce it and there does not seem to be available evidence that suggests it will have a sufficient impact to justify the wartime policy measure.

But it will have one massive and devastating impact.

The decision, based on health advice from the CHO, has the potential to be particularly damaging for the young, who have, in many ways, carried the greatest burden, with draconian shutdowns lasting close to 200 days.

The Australian

What makes Andrews’ callous bastardry even worse is that the Victorian government knows full well what they are doing to the state’s young people.

And it’s so horrific, that the Andrews government is going to extraordinary lengths to keep it secret.

The Andrews government is engaged in a deliberate and dangerous cover-up of critical mental health data that Victorians — especially parents of teenagers — deserve to see[…]

So concerned is the government about keeping this data from Victorians that the VAHI’s report covering February and March this year included this warning to doctors:

“This report is provided to you as an authorised recipient. by accessing this report, you agree to keep the information confidential. If you have received this report in error, please destroy it.”

So, what doesn’t “Dictator Dan” want Victorians to know?

In the six weeks to March 28, average weekly emergency department presentations for children and teenagers, aged up to 17, was running at 319, a 27 per cent increase on the 251 cases for the same ­period in 2020.

The number of teenagers rushed to hospital after self-harming and suffering suicidal thoughts spiked by 51 per cent, rising from a weekly average of 98 in 2020 to 148 this year.

The reports confirm that teenage girls are among the hardest hit by the lockdown, and suggest girls aged 12 and above are battling a wave of serious eating disorders. The six-week average to February 28 saw known patient treatment numbers jump from 279 in 2020 to 352 this year, an ­increase of 26 per cent.

The number of new eating disorder cases in the same period ­increased by 34 per cent, rising from a weekly average of 654 in 2020 to 878 in 2021.

On Monday, The Australian revealed Victorian Coroners Court data showing that eight teenage girls took their own lives in the first seven months of 2021. Professor Patrick McGorry has described what’s happening in our suburbs as a “shadow pandemic”.

It’s not that Victorians have no idea what is going on. There have been warnings of the spike in mental ill-health and suicides, ever since governments threw away years of careful pandemic planning in order to ape the Chinese Communist Party with useless, devastating lockdowns. Victorians have been anecdotally whispering, too: it seems that everyone knows someone who “hasn’t been coping” with lockdowns.

And yet, still they “Stand With Dan”.

Some child mental health experts believe the data is being kept secret because the government fears if the public knew the full impact of lockdown on teenagers it risks undermining support, or at least compliance, with lockdowns.

They say until the data is released and the community understands the full mental health impact, not enough will be done by authorities to address the problem, and therefore the secrecy compounds the crisis.

The Australian

This is inexcusable: an horrific indictment on both a government that is literally deadly incompetent and a society which has willingly, happily sacrificed young people with their entire lives ahead of them, in order to save almost invariably the very, very old and very sick, for just a few more weeks.

Shame on us all for allowing this.

Victoria: A state of despair. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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