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Victoria’s Election Just Keeps Getting Funnier

Daniel Andrews is using the Wuhan plague to plunge Victoria into a police state. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady

I wrote last week, Can Victoria get any weirder? Well, even as I wrote it, I knew the answer: Yes, and hell, yes. With the last week of the election ticking past, Victoria is amping up the hype, hysteria and hyperbole way past 11.

The Labor machine is ramping up the fear-mongering about the supposed secret, Illuminati-like plot by “fundamentalist churches” to “infiltrate” the Liberal opposition.

An investigation by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes has unearthed fresh evidence of disturbing conduct within City Builders [Church] and closely affiliated churches in Victoria that are part of a global network of Pentecostal churches.

The Age

Oh, no! The Pentecostals under the bed are coming for our trannies!

Even worse, Liberal candidates aren’t buying into the “Welcome to Country” virtue-signalling!

The Liberal Party’s candidate for Narre Warren North says Australia should not recognise First Nations people because “we won this land fair and square”, that waste from nuclear energy should be dumped in Alice Springs, and that he would vote to ban abortion.

Age reporters are allegedly seeking urgent chiropractic help for their mass outbreaks of trigger-neck. The ABC’s Victoria correspondents were last seen collectively hundled under a blankie, sucking their thumbs.

In audio recorded on Tuesday and leaked to The Sunday Age, Timothy Dragan, declared he was “100 per cent” opposed to a treaty with First Nations people, would cross the floor on any emissions-reduction legislation, and ban abortion if it came before a vote in Parliament.

“There’s no such thing as traditional Australians,” Dragan, 26, said in the recording in reference to First Nations people. “Because Australia is a post-colonial concept.

“We won this land fair and square. It’s like telling Britain to give the land back to the Vikings, and the Vikings to give it back to the Romans. And same with Romania — to give Transylvania back to the Hungarians. I mean, come on man, it’s bollocks. It’s absolute bollocks.”

Dragan is only being consistent with the left’s own rhetoric. After all, if, as they insist, Australia was “invaded”, and if Rachel Perkins’ “Frontier Wars” claims are to be believed, then, sorry, fellas — you lost.

What’s worse is that the Liberals are being spooked, as wet conservatives too often are, into taking the knee to the rabid left media.

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy says Liberal candidate Renee Heath – a lifelong member of an ultra-conservative church opposed to gay, transgender and reproductive rights – will not sit in the Liberal party room if she is elected on November 26.

The Age

For her part, Heath isn’t taking the anti-religious attacks lying down.

Victorian Liberal candidate Renee Heath has broken her silence to say she has always believed in the separation of church and state and has never attempted to impose her religious views on her political party […]

Heath said she had engaged law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler to assess whether she had grounds to make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission about the “discriminatory treatment of me” as a potential Liberal MP “based on my faith, or assumptions about my faith”.

The Age

Try, after all, to imagine if she was a Muslim candidate for Labor or the Greens.

But the pearl-clutching hasn’t ended there.

As we all know, the Overton Window is infinitely smaller for the right than it is for the left. The same left-media who turn a blase, blind eye when Aboriginal activists call to “burn Australia to the ground” — and then duly try to burn down the Museum of Australian Democracy — or when public monuments are vandalised by left activists, clutch their pearls when a right-wing figure makes similar obviously hyperbolic statements.

Police are investigating Victorian upper house MP Catherine Cumming for inciteful behaviour after she told a crowd of protesters that Premier Daniel Andrews should be turned into “red mist”.

The Age

Yep: the left can routinely erect mock gallows at demonstrations, burn effigies and flags, or smash John Howard pinatas, but it’s okay when they do it.

But, in a clear sign that “Dictator Dan” is getting worried, he’s gone and played the Nazi Card.

“Nazis – that’s who’s getting preferences from the Liberal party – and racists and conspiracy theorists is the most polite way to describe some of the people the Liberals are preferencing.”

The Guardian

Andrews’ smashing of Godwin’s Law is so egregious that even Victoria’s peak Jewish body — normally as solidly left-wing a quango as can be imagined — is calling him out on it.

Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, backed the opposition’s argument.

“The term Nazis … should never be used as a casual term,” he said at a press conference this morning alongside Liberal Party deputy leader David Southwick.

“The Holocaust stands above every single political [issue].”

Southwick, who is Jewish, had this to say:

“To have the premier and the government come out and use the term Nazi so loosely is completely inappropriate, it’s desperate and it needs to stop.”

The Age

Finally, just for some comedic icing on the endless pratfall that is Victorian politics, at least one Fauxborigine is exposed.

A relative of a Victorian Labor candidate who has described herself as a “proud Yorta Yorta woman” has said their family has no Indigenous ancestry and has never identified as Aboriginal […]

Growing concerns and questions about Lauren O’Dwyer‘s heritage have continued to build in the lead-up to Saturday’s election, with the local Aboriginal corporation saying she has failed to follow cultural protocol and consult with elders […]

“I’ve looked at her genealogy and there is nobody of the Berry family group within the Yorta Yorta genealogical line.”

ABC Australia

Well, this is Victoria, after all — where this bloke is not just a “Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation”, but “Co-Chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria”.

You don’t get more Aboriginal than this bloke. The BFD.
