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Views from Our Lockdown Windows: Part Five

The BFD.

Last week I asked readers to share their views from their Lockdown windows.

Life has changed for all of us. I want to put together an article made up of views from readers’ windows while in lockdown.
Share with us all the view from your lockdown window.

Please put Lockdown Window in the subject line.

Here are today’s photos:

The BFD. Lockdown window
The BFD Lockdown window

The BFD. Lockdown window My morning view from my locked down window. Note grey skies, like my mood. Ladder is a symbol of getting stuff done that one might not normally do, ie. Cleaning windows. Likewise, the garden has been attacked with a weed eater. The lawns are looking resplendent. Just out of sight behind the up and coming hedge is an electric fence, symbolizing the hundreds of metres of fence repairs that have been completed. Beyond that, a horse paddock, without the horse, as the bloody thing has colic and has been tucked in the stable awaiting the after hours vet callout. I wonder what today will bring?

Please put Lockdown Window in the subject line.

NOTE: We prefer photos to be from a window with preferably part of the window in the shot.

It can be the view from your kitchen window or bedroom window or lounge room window or car window on the way to work if you are an essential worker.

Please put Lockdown Window in the subject line.
