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Vote to Stop Co-governance in Its Tracks

selective-photography of stop signage
Photo by Joshua Hoehne. The BFD


Yesterday I read a comment on General Debate by Roger.

From all accounts the Stop Co-Governance meeting in Stoke Nelson last night was continually disrupted by outside protestors. Banging on the door, walls, broke a window, banged on drums and sounded sirens, all in all a disgrace and included gang members.

It was whipped into a lather and lead by a Mr Paki Paki, which makes it all the more less acceptable as Mr Paki Paki is an elected member on the Nelson City Council.

Earlier in the week the protestors in ChCh included a Canterbury Regional Councilor who described himself, in public as a Trotskyite, both obviously believe the Treaty is a partnership.

How can we possibly expect to have democracy at a local level when there are communists embedded in the system. And by the way the police in Stoke did little to protect private property no doubt as they are clearly aligned with the gangs.

Roger, The BFD

I was there on Wednesday night. I attended one of Julian Batchelor’s “Stop Co-Governance” meetings. The agitators were a disgrace.

The first thing that stood out was the absolutely disgusting, childish, boorish, obnoxious and myopic behaviour of a bunch of so-called ‘protesters’ who were gathered at the front door of the venue. I prefer to call them agitators.

When Julian started to speak they yelled “racist” and “liar”, banged drums, and banged on the walls and doors, screaming abuse before he’d even had a chance to say anything of note. Just pathetic. This continued for over one and a half hours. Police came and went and then came back to stay, eventually.

Three ‘plants’ within the building stood up at various points of proceedings to mouth off some indiscernible diatribe and they were removed, one of them by police. It was blatantly obvious they had nothing of value to add to the meeting, they were there simply to attempt to disrupt. It was only a partial success and there were three police vehicles in the carpark when I left.

The talk itself was, for the most part, an interesting history lesson and collection of quotes from people past and present. Many of the quotes were from racist activists such as Willie Jackson, Rawiri Waititi and others, most of which I had already heard and are freely available online. These people make no bones about it; they want to take over New Zealand and are prepared to use (and I quote) “whatever means necessary”.

There was a lot of information about media lies, school indoctrinations, police inaction, law changing by stealth and a lack of democratic process. For example: Nanaia Mahuta wanted unelected Maori representatives in local councils, but when people called for a referendum she removed the right to a referendum! It’s gone! No discussion, no vote, just gone.

If you thought co-governance was bad, think again: it’s far worse. This is not my opinion, this is not Julian’s opinion, this is a fact. Waititi, for example, wants $22b per year from the taxpayer to fund a Maori government. That’s fourteen Dunedin hospitals spread around the country – every year. Rawiri can take a running jump. That is just one small (but expensive) example.

I did think the meeting could have been shorter, I left after three and a quarter hours but I felt certain that the agitators were responsible for a large part of that. In peace, Julian might have been finished in two and a half hours.

Naturally, the Treaty came into it and the facts of the matter are historical. They are available for all to see should you take the time to look either online or in libraries (although many libraries are now ‘cleansed’ of facts) or to go to one of Julian’s meetings, read his booklet and see for yourself how facts have been seriously twisted.

None of this is racist but the proposed (and some already implemented) policies are. Wake up! This bullshit (and that’s exactly what it is) needs to be stopped. The media peddle the lies because they’re paid to, schools indoctrinate the kids so as to retain funding, the police do nothing about illegal acts and vile threats by Julian’s opponents, and the politicians promise the world to apartheid peddlers just to stay in power while kiwis appear to take a “she’ll be right” stance.

It’s not good enough. Kiwis need to vote for those people/parties who will stop co-governance in its tracks. If it goes ahead New Zealand is, for want of a better word, fu#ked.
