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The BFD.

Australia has a “perpetual irritant”, to use his own words, that we just can’t seem to exorcise from our TV screens. Academia and entertainment industries both being the leftist lobster pots they are, Waleed Aly just keeps bobbing up and down in our collective cultural punchbowl, no matter how few people bother to listen to his inane witterings.

There’s scarcely an Islamic outrage goes by that little Wally isn’t falling over himself to explain that it’s all your fault, whitey. Naturally, he’s going in to bat hard for the ISIS brides secreted into the country by Anthony Albanese.

‘Disgusted’ viewers of The Project have unleashed on host Waleed Aly after he repeatedly spoke over the top of a mayor voicing his anger over the resettlement of ex-ISIS members.

During an interview on Wednesday night, Frank Carbone demanded Prime Minister Anthony Albanese explain why his council area will be the ‘dumping ground’ for repatriated ISIS brides.

Fairfield City Council, in western Sydney, has a large contingent of Syrian refugees who fled the country to escape the terrorist group.

Enter Apologist Aly, sticking up for the head-choppers and sex-slavers.

Mr Carbone was repeatedly interrupted by Aly while he tried to explain how the resettlement of former ISIS families would affect these refugees.

Aly told the frustrated mayor the women and children previously involved in the terrorist regime have every right to be in the country because they’re ‘citizens’.

Who abrogated their right to the privileges of citizenship, when they raced off to pledge their allegiance to the Caliphate because they liked its snuff videos.

Mr Carbone asked why the women and children couldn’t be moved to another area with a lower refugee population when Australia is a “very big country”.

“Why is it Western Sydney when we have tens of thousand of people that fled ISIS?” he said.

Because that’s where they always dump the results of open borders policies. The left just love “asylum seekers” and illegal immigrants – just so long as they don’t have to live next to them.

Mr Carbone fired back at Aly and accused the former ISIS members of committing treason under “Commonwealth Criminal Code section 80”.

“Treason is when you leave your country and you aid and abet, doesn’t matter if you’re baking a cake or scones and assisting ISIS, you’re committing treason,” he said.

“Under that Act, you can have your citizenship revoked.”

Aly responded […] “Would you leave kids in camps overseas when they are Australian citizens?” he asked.
Would you want this lot living next door to you? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Kids like this? Absolutely. Without a single qualm.

“I don’t think (the Prime Minister) has taken into account the tens of thousands of refugees that fled their home, had their homes burnt back in Syria, have lost their loved ones, have watched a lot of their families be beheaded and burnt and have come and resettled in Western Sydney,” he said.

Aly eventually shut down the conversation by telling Mr Carbone they’d run overtime.

Daily Mail

Of course he did. If there’s one thing Wally is good at, it is, as Christopher Hitchens pointed out, dodging inconvenient facts about his co-religionists.
