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Walt Would Never Have Imagined This

person holding Minnie Mouse headband overlooking castle
Photo by Patrícia Ferreira

Unfortunately, it’s a myth that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen when he died. Unfortunate, because, had we the technology, it’d be awesome to fix his thawed head into a gigantic robot body, and send him rampaging like Futurama’s Robot Nixon through the degenerate circus that has been made of his once family-friendly empire.

Can you imagine Robot Walt’s infuriated reaction to “Gay Days” at Disney World? Hundreds of his employees getting arrested as part of a child sex ring? How would the famously anti-communist Walt react to the studio he founded pushing neo-Marxist gender and sexual messages?

Whatever we may have thought of the saccharine offerings of old-school Disney, as parents we could at least rely on one thing: it would be kid-safe. Not any more.

“Once upon a time, if it was a Disney movie, you knew it was going to be safe for children,” Media Research Center (MRC) Founder and President Brent Bozell says at the beginning of a new documentary, “Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom,” set to premiere next week on Monday, January 23.

Subtitled “How Disney is losing its way,” the film explores Disney’s degeneration from an iconic, beloved family entertainment enterprise to an activist political operation opposing parental rights and bent on indoctrinating children into liberal, “woke” gender and sexual ideologies.

Like so much other woke corporate activism, it’s driven not by hard-headed business sense, but by massive fund management companies weaponising other peoples’ money.

It explains how huge asset management companies have succeeded in pressuring companies like Disney to push a radical environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda to and support subjecting young children to age-inappropriate sexual subjects without parental consent or knowledge.

The hypocrisy of Disney’s censorship practices is also exposed in the documentary, which details how the company is deleting content that might offend those in the Chinese and Middle East markets – but, including the offensive material in the U.S., in the name of “free speech.”

The film describes how Disney is promoting LGBTQ sexuality, publicly opposing Florida’s parental-rights law, rejecting the nuclear family, and even producing a streaming show called “Little Demon” – about a teenage girl who is the child of Satan.

The last is a consequence of the Disney corporation’s insatiably greedy acquisitiveness. Having relentlessly acquired other studios such as Marvel and 20th Century Fox means that the Disney+ streaming service now includes not only the original family-friendly Disney, but a welter of content very much created for an adult audience. To their credit, Disney+ allows parents to create PIN-locked profiles, and set profiles to only show kid-friendly content.

The problem is that what Disney decides is “kid-friendly” may not fit many parents’ idea of the same.

At the same time, though, as Disney is bending over backwards to placate censorious communist regimes, it’s also pandering to even more censorious leftist offenderati.

Disney has gone so far as to denounce some of its most cherished, family-friendly works, deeming them offensive.

Peter Pan, Dumbo, The Aristocats and Swiss Family Robinson are all banned from family profiles. Song of the South is not available at all.

“You know, if you spend all your time with a microscope trying to find something that will offend somebody, you never have any time to actually spend on creating truly inspirational material,” Dr. Ben Carson says, noting that woke ideology is based on creating division, not unity:

“That’s what a lot of this wokeness does: it creates conflict where no conflict actually existed. It creates offense where no offense actually existed.


As J. R. R. Tolkien said, Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.
