Are you a reader who enjoys the weekly Music Quiz?
Do you know how to create a quiz on Apester or are you willing to learn?

Would you like to volunteer to take over the task of creating the Music Quiz for The BFD?
It is a once-a-week task or a once-a-month task (if you want to create 4 quizzes in one sitting and then save them).
Our other quiz makers will provide guidance and support to our new volunteer. It is really quite simple once you have learned the basics.
We have an online office that you will be given access to that will allow you to message the other volunteers and get all the help you require as well as the opportunity to communicate with our team of 40+
Tricia who currently creates the quizzes for us will be leaving soon. We were very lucky to enjoy her contributions for as long as we have but now is the time to hand the mantle over to another.
If you are interested please let me know ASAP so that we can ensure the gap is filled quickly.
If you are interested in taking it on please e-mail sb at the today.