Bob McCoskrie
National Director
Family First
Before we show you – and encourage you – with a couple of superb submissions made this week on the ‘conversion therapy’ bill by medical professionals, a counsellor and a grandparent, we want to show you how a young submitter was treated. You will be shocked – or maybe it won’t surprise you!
A year 13 student bravely turned up before the Select Committee, expressing concern about the medical intervention of changing one’s sex, the gender affirmation model being used under pressure by many health professionals, and saying that the “the bill is bound to infringe on individual rights”.
But watch the shocking (condescending) response of the Labour MP to this considered and thorough submission which reflects many concerns already being expressed by health professionals and lawyers. Sadly, we have observed this is how the committee treats many submitters who oppose the bill.
Other Great Submissions
Dr Debra Wilson is a GP and a mother. She tells the select committee “As a practicing doctor, I have always conscientiously objected to filling prescriptions for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for under-18’s.” Watch this powerful and encouraging testimony from a medical professional and be reassured that not everyone has fallen for the gender ideology which doesn’t help, but actually harms and hinders.
Dr Christiana Lafferty, also a registered medical doctor, expresses her concern about the conversion therapy bill and its attempt to mandate a sole gender affirmative treatment model with a lack of scientific evidence to support this model, let alone mandate it. She asks the question we all want to ask: “What gives the government the right to push my child onto a medical pathway that has no significant scientific evidence and could actually cause significant harm and stress and put me in prison just because I want the best for my child?”
Cherie Wallace is a school counsellor & parent. She warns the select committee that the proposed bill will suppress the thoughts and feelings of parents, and shuts down conversations and values & beliefs. “I’m concerned about the threat to the parent/child relationship. Give parents and young people tools to navigate respectful and open conversations.”
Boaz Raela tells the Select Committee considering the conversion therapy bill that “It is in the discussion that we are able to find a way forward.”
If you have an oral submission scheduled on either the ‘conversion therapy’ bill or the ‘birth certificates’ bill, please email us so that we can share some simple tips and encouragement.) Thank you for speaking up!
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