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Watch: New FLCCCl I-Recover Protocol for C-19 Vaccine Injury

red apple beside clear glass bottle
Photo by Diana Polekhina. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) launched their latest protocol on 25 May 2022 to a worldwide webinar audience of 7,000 people. The fourth protocol developed by FLCCC, I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol is preceded by:

  • I-MASK+ – Prevention and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol;
  • MATH+ – Hospital Treatment Protocol;
  • I-RECOVER – Long Covid Treatment Protocol.

American ICU and Pulmonary Specialists Dr Paul Marik (FLCCC Chief Scientific Officer) and Dr Pierre Kory (FLCCC Chief Medical Officer) were joined by Brazilian Endocrinologist Dr Flavio Cadegiani (FLCCC co-founder) to introduce, present and discuss the I-RECOVER Protocol. The webinar was moderated by former news correspondent and FLCCC Creative Director Betsy Ashton. Two FLCCC post-vaccine injury patients shared their experiences.

The 1.5-hour-long webinar is a model of medical excellence critiquing science and data, delivering care with empathy and full patient participation. Some of the most significant take-home lessons include:

  • Knowledge about Covid-19 vaccine injury is constantly evolving and the protocol will change with this evolution;
  • Early treatment is essential for optimal outcomes;
  • The spike protein is toxic and distributed via lipid nanoparticles to every organ in the body, causing severe, complex, multi-faceted systemic disease which is not well understood;
  • A profound immune system disturbance leads to inflammation, auto-antibodies and clotting problems;
  • Neither post-vaccine syndrome nor Long Covid patients should receive further Covid-19 vaccine of any type as toxicity of the spike protein is cumulative;
  • Patients are often subject to a battery of unnecessary and expensive diagnostic tests leading to inappropriate interventions which serve no benefit;
  • With appropriate, aggressive and individualised treatment many patients experience significant improvement;
  • A profound preponderance of debilitating neurological injuries distinguishes vaccine injury from Long Covid;
  • An array of symptoms individual to each patient occur in post-vaccine syndrome and discrete therapies are recommended for specific presentations;
  • The protocol is a starting point for individualised care, and intended as a tool for health care professionals to assist in the delivery of appropriate treatment and support.

Each recommended therapy is presented including rationale for use, dose and timing. FLCCC has the most experience with the recommended first line therapies but many other therapies may be effective and clinical judgement combined with individual patient needs and choice must determine layered treatment approaches. The protocol serves as a guide to assist. When first line therapies are ineffective, the protocol offers second and third line therapies, some of which are more invasive.

The wave of injuries following Covid-19 vaccination is described as “a humanitarian crisis” caused by mass inoculation of “one of history’s greatest toxins”. Patients experience extensive symptom burden and suffering. They are denied diagnosis, misdiagnosed, denied treatment and denied support. In addition to their trailblazing medical expertise, FLCCC have fought with determination on behalf of the neglected and growing vaccine injured community. They estimate that up to 2% of Covid-19 vaccine recipients experience a serious adverse event.

Initially recommending existing treatments known to reduce ICU admission stays and mortality among patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), FLCCC has evolved into an international alliance of expert clinicians, all of whom report successful outcomes in Covid-19 therapeutic care using combination therapies. Their protocols, evidence analyses, tutorials, reports, webinars and weekly updates are an invaluable tool for all involved in the care and support of patients with Covid-19 disease, Long Covid and post-vaccination injury.

Support for vaccine injury should first be sought by your health care provider, many of whom have limited experience with this complex syndrome. FLCCC recommend patients download and review the I-RECOVER protocol and full clinical guide which includes disease-specific strategies, and give them to your GP or care provider to help them support your recovery. As advised by FLCCC, always consult with a care provider before commencing any new treatment. Support is also available in New Zealand via NZDSOS Health Helpline, appointment bookings can be made at this link.

Watch: I-RECOVER – Launch of New Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol
