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We Are Doubling Our Cartoon Content

The BFD.

The BFD’s goal is to increase our membership to 10,000 members. The Spinoff has 10,000 members, paying around $10 per month which gives them a membership revenue stream of $100,000 per month or $1.2M per annum. The BFD’s readership is very similar to The Spinoff’s.

The BFD.

Since sharing our goal with our readers we have gained 100+ new members very quickly. This has meant amongst other things that we were able to add two more political cartoons a week for the enjoyment of our Bronze level and above subscribers.

Previously we had two fantastic cartoons on Monday and Thursday from Cartoonist SonovaMin. Now from this week onwards, our subscribers will also be able to enjoy two fantastic cartoons on Tuesday and Friday from Cartoonist BoomSlang.

The BFD. Cartoon Credit BoomSlang

The new subscriptions this month made that possible. The more subscriptions we get, the more quality content we can provide for our valued subscriber base.

Next on our to do list is to recruit another writer for Insight Politics.

Our MyBFD platform is also growing and by the end of this month, we should have the facility to host private Zoom sessions.

We are also about to start exclusive polling as well. This is what increased memberships allow us to do. Our goal is to poll each and every month. which will be more regular than all other media outlets combined.

To achieve our goal we need to continue to grow our membership at an accelerated rate. Can we add another 100 members by the end of July?

I think we can.

A revenue stream like that enjoyed by The Spinoff will enable us to launch two streaming apps. One for streaming video content with a talk show format to TVs and other video streaming services, and a phone app to allow streaming of “radio” talkback.

These things are all possible if The BFD is well supported by members.

We have a plan to accelerate our growth. Very soon we will also be launching an affiliate marketing programme. We will explain more in time but we are already discussing the programme with interested groups.

There are many exciting developments to come and it is thanks to our subscribers that we are able to make this happen.

To accelerate what we can offer our subscribers we need more members.

We need a team of 10,000 like The Spinoff has.

From this week on all our political cartoons will be member access only.

If you needed another reason to subscribe to The BFD the doubling of our cartoon content is a great one.

Subscribe today and support your favourite Conservative media.
