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We Are Seeing U-Turn after U-Turn Now

Photo by Sydney Sims. The BFD.

Peter Imanuelsen

I’m Peter Imanuelsen | Swedish journalist | Political commentator | Supporter of freedom, kindness and liberty |

It was not long ago that we were told to take booster after booster, seemingly into infinity. Boost up your immune system they said.

In my last Substack article I wrote about how leading Norwegian doctors have said that they will not be taking the boosters, because they say that for young people the side effects could outweigh the benefits.

Now a professor and vaccine researcher at the University of Oslo has come out with a warning against taking the boosters, saying that people under 65 who do not belong to a risk group do not need to take a fourth booster.

”As long as you are not over 65 years or belong to a risk group, there is no need for a fourth dose. All data we have point clearly in one direction: If you do not have an underlying illness, then you have no benefit of taking the fourth dose…It should also be said that the younger population, who have a low risk for serious covid disease, should have a high threshold for recommending more doses” says Gunnveig Grødeland

Even the department director at the Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH) is warning about young people taking the vaccine.

”For the youngest in the age group 18 to 64, the benefits of a new dose is the lowest, and therefore negative effects like menstrual disorders can mean the disadvantage is greater than the benefit” says Are Stuwitz Berg at NIPH.

Do you remember last year?

Women started complaining about getting menstrual bleeding after taking the vaccine? Do you remember how they were called conspiracy theorists by the media?

Well, it turns out that Norway has had a shocking 15 000 reports of women with menstrual disorders after taking the vaccine, and Norway has officially listed menstrual bleeding as a possible side effect of the vaccine.

Now consider that Norway is a small country with only 5.4 million people, the total number of women of menstrual age is not very high. So 15 000 is a lot for such a small country.

Now I found something very worrying indeed. In the VAERS database from the U.S, there has been an astronomical 31 020% increase in reports of menstrual disorders in 2021 after the mRNA vaccines came out. Clearly, something is wrong here.

While health authorities have admitted that menstrual disorders can be a side effect of the vaccine, they say it is temporary. However, it turns out many women are saying that they have had these problems for over a year now.

26-year-old Camilla Røisgård says that she has been living with severe bleeding for 13 months now, making her suffer from fatigue and dizziness. It gets so bad that she cannot even get out of bed.

”I know they say the side effects are temporary, but it doesn’t feel that way,” she told TV2.

Turns out that for many women, these ”temporary” side effects have been ongoing for a long time. One year ago, TV2 in Norway talked with 212 women who had experienced menstrual disorders after taking the vaccine, some having almost constant bleeding for several months in a row.

Now after one year, they got in contact with 149 out of the 212 women, and it turns out that 85 women are still suffering from menstrual disorders, over one year after taking the vaccine. Doesn’t seem very temporary to me…

What I really am struggling to understand, however, is that despite this, almost half of the women have still taken the 3rd booster. Why are they doing it?

If you have been following my reporting, there has been a mysterious collapse in the birthrates all over the world this year and nobody seems to know why. Surely it can’t have anything to do with menstrual disorders, that would never affect fertility, right?

We have been seeing around a 10% drop in birthrates, meanwhile, we are also seeing sky-high excess mortality.

I did an in-depth investigation into the collapse in birthrates here, and I found some shocking evidence that unvaccinated mothers are actually very overrepresented in giving birth compared with vaccinated women. Read my article below!

Something weird is happening with the birth rates.

Here is something that really should be talked about more, but I am struggling to find news outlets that are willing to talk about it. We are talking about the birth rate. The climate change fanatics often talk about “overpopulation” and that we need to have fewer children to save the planet, but the fact is that we are facing an underpopulation crisis. Many countries in the West have a fertility rate so low that in the future there will be a population collapse! We need more babies born, not less…

Read more

And then there is the issue of myocarditis…

I recently had a visit with one of the leading heart doctors in Norway for a checkup on heart palpitations. The first thing he asked me was if I had been vaccinated. He then told me that both covid and the vaccines could cause heart problems. Thankfully in my case, the palpitations were benign (I did not take the vaccine, and I had these on and off before covid as well).

So it looks like Norway is suddenly beginning to change their tune on vaccinations. Meanwhile, other countries are still going ahead with telling everyone to boost up.

Norway has so far had a good track record compared with many other places, having relatively few lockdown restrictions and also having one of the lowest excess mortality rates.

Please share this article everywhere you can to let people know what the Norwegian health experts are saying!
