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brown lion with white tongue out
Photo by Glen Carrie. The BFD

The BFD is a lion with your support.

You can contribute to our growth by subscribing for only $10 a month to become ad-free and to also access all our puzzles and SonovaMin and BoomSlang‘s fantastic cartoons when you log in.

But wait there’s more…

You will also gain access to our second platform MyBFD where you can chat in private with other members using the same login and password you use for The BFD.

If you want to view Insight Politics articles as well grab yourself a Silver level membership for $25 a month.

Please subscribe to The BFD or upgrade your existing membership. We are getting bigger and stronger with your support!

The more memberships we have the more we can do. It really is that simple.

We can continue to exist and grow with your support.

We simply cannot do this without you as The BFD’s main source of revenue is our readers’ memberships.

The BFD Needs You. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Your BFD membership makes you a crucial member of The BFD team.

THANK YOU for supporting our team.
