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man in black robe wearing white face mask
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska. The BFD.



Under the highly questionable and confusing traffic light system, the mask mandate remains a weapon of mass deception. The duplicitous PM deliberately cherry-picked and misrepresented the British Medical Journal results as exposed by Cam Slater in his article, Your Mask is as Useless as …” on April 3, 2022.

“The tyrant Jacinda Ardern misrepresented the article by claiming that mask wearing reduced transmission by 53%. The data in the report does not say that.”  “…the tyrant has engaged in disinformation – spouting forth the relative risk at 53%, when the absolute risk reduction is so small it would pass through a mask.”

We can agree that masks are useless but problems with them go much further than that. It is not just a concern about their efficacy, what we breathe out, but also what we breathe in, and what happens to disposable masks after we have finished with them.

According to infection prevention specialist Eli Perencevich, MD, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa’s College of Medicine, if you wear a mask incorrectly it can actually “increase” your chances of getting the virus.

“Masks won’t protect the average person. Because they will wear them incorrectly and autocontaminate themselves. I’ve never seen a person practice hand hygiene before removing a mask in public and then after removing the mask”, Prof Perencevich said in a Twitter post.

He told Forbes that the average healthy person does not need to have a mask, and they shouldn’t be wearing masks.

Prof Perencevich said if people don’t wash their hands before taking off a mask, “you could increase your risk”.

Face masks increase risk of catching coronavirus, expert explains | — Australia’s leading news site

And the masks themselves?  Their composition?

“Scientists have found toxic chemicals in preliminary analysis of face masks. These toxic substances found on face masks also involve carcinogens, allergens and controlled substances… experts are concerned that toxic chemicals in face masks can cause unintended health issues.”  

Posted on August 23, 2021, Author: GG, List Of 30 Studies Showing Face Masks Are Useless Against COVID-19 – Soren Dreier

This Labour Government specialises in unintended consequences so we are being set up for yet more. And, along with significant public health concerns, the effect on the environment is yet another major cause for concern.

Research carried out by Swansea University College of Engineering, results published May 4, 2021 revealed:

“The rise in single-use masks, and the associated waste, due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been documented as a new cause of pollution.” “Scientists have uncovered potentially dangerous chemical pollutants that are released from disposable face masks when submerged in water. The research reveals high levels of pollutants, including lead, antimony, and copper, within the silicon-based and plastic fibres of common disposable face masks.” “The study aimed to explore this direct link — with investigations to identify the level of toxic substances present.”

“The findings reveal significant levels of pollutants in all the masks tested with micro/nano particles and heavy metals released into the water during all tests. Researchers conclude this will have a substantial environmental impact and, in addition, raise the question of the potential damage to public health, warning that repeated exposure could be hazardous as the substances found have known links to cell death, genotoxicity and cancer formation.”

“There is also a need to understand the impact of such particle leaching on public health. One of the main concerns with these particles is that they were easily detached from face masks and leached into the water with no agitation, which suggests that these particles are mechanically unstable and readily available to be detached.”

“Project lead Dr Sarper Sarp of Swansea University said: “All of us need to keep wearing masks as they are essential in ending the pandemic. But we also urgently need more research and regulation on mask production, so we can reduce any risks to the environment and human health.”

Nanoplastics and other harmful pollutants found in disposable face masks: Regulation and research urgently needed, say experts — ScienceDaily

I reject the premise of the statement that we need to continue wearing masks. Has the research Dr Sarp recommends been carried out? Are there regulations around toxic metals and leaching? Has anything changed? His research results make for ever-increasing concern about mask-wearing.

And disposal of masks is an environmental time-bomb as they find their way into the household trash by the recommended disposal method and thus leachate enters the groundwater. More than 129 billion face masks are used globally each month, according to research from the University of Southern Denmark.

That works out to about 3 million masks per minute… masks are often made of plastics like polypropylene, polyethylene and vinyl.  Not to mention the heavy metals.  Lead, antimony and cadmium – all heavy metals that can be toxic even in low doses. “On an environmental scale with the amount of production of these things – it all accumulates,” warned Dr Geraint Sullivan, technology transfer fellow at the University of Swansea.  

Covid: Disposable masks pose pollutants risk, study finds – BBC News

And degradation time?

“They take around 450 years to break down…” […] “It’s really important that these end up in the right spot, which is not in the recycling bin — it’s in your general waste bin,” Ms Pip Kiernan, chair of Clean Up Australia says.”  

Single-use masks are harming the environment. Here’s how to dispose of them properly – ABC Everyday

And now the spectre of winter ‘flu is raised as another concern and the government has already begun its next campaign of fear.

College of General Practitioners medical director Dr Bryan Betty said he was also concerned about what flu season might bring.

“New Zealand, I think, is particularly vulnerable because our borders were so closed we essentially had no flu in the country for the last two seasons. As a result of that we think our natural immunity is down, which means we are far more susceptible to a bad flu season this year than perhaps we normally would be.”  

Experts sound warning over upcoming winter and flu season | RNZ News

In other words, we suppressed our natural immunity to fight the tricky virus with a so-called vaccine that does more harm than good and leaves us more vulnerable because of impaired immune function and susceptible to ‘flu, and to Omicron, and anything else doing the rounds.

The normal 500 annual ‘flu deaths may again occur but so far Covid has only been held accountable for 363 deaths.

So in the equivalent timeframe, we could have expected 1,000 deaths from flu, but we have experienced just 363 from Covid?  None of this makes any sense at all.

The mask madness continues as a visible statement of the willingness and meekness of the wearer to bow down to the tyrant who rules us. The herding of compliant sheep through narrow gates to constricted pens. It is all about power. Control. The great reset. Global social and economic manipulation. The only science that was followed was political science. The government responses were led by polling. With all of us meekly wearing toxic masks. Forget it.


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