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We Don’t Just Deserve Answers, We Demand Them.

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

While frustration grows over the massive damage to both our civil liberties and our economy, damage caused by the over-reactions of Ardern’s Covid emergency-level management and her obvious failure on early border control, more and more voices join the chorus, saying – where’s the data you relied on, Ms? Where’s the justification? Why are we here?

Summed up succinctly by Michael Reddell on croakingcassandra:

“Perhaps most or even all those decisions were the right ones – something that will probably be debated for the next 100 years, as aspects of the 1918 flu or much about the Great Depression still is – but no one can argue they were normal, routine or inconsequential matters. And yet the government and its agencies have revealed only what suits them, when it suits them, exposes itself to little serious scrutiny, and treats the public like children, or subjects, not citizens.”

This, from the ‘most transparent’ government the country has ever seen.

The nonsense slogans calling for the saving of “tens of thousands of lives” had to have a seed somewhere, surely, but it certainly wasn’t in the official advice from the Health Ministry, over-cautious as they were in planning for a “most plausible” R0 of 2.5, so where, oh where, do we find the basis for the appalling decision-making? Well, the answer was in plain sight; in the forest, behind the trees; and you won’t like it.

Ardern, April 9th:

“Modelling provided to my office by [Mystery] on the eve of the lockdown suggested New Zealand was on a similar trajectory to potentially Italy and Spain and that our 205 cases on the 25th of March could have grown to over 10,000 by now”.

From 200 cases to 10,000 in two weeks? Did the ‘modelling’ that Ardern spoke of come from the Health Ministry, Treasury maybe, MBIE, infectious disease specialists or epidemiologists, the WHO, the CDC? No, the Prime Minister regurgitated the expert knowledge from none of those sober and serious specialists: it came from Rodney Jones. Who?

Rodney Jones:

Soros manager regrets attack on HK dollar“.

Amy Nip, The Standard, Thursday, 5 July 2007 –

An asset manager who represented George Soros, one of the predatory speculators who laid siege to the Hong Kong dollar and attempted to manipulate the stock and futures markets, has admitted making a blunder. In an interview with mainland paper China Business News,
Rodney Jones,

the former managing director of Soros Fund Management in Hong Kong, admitted: “We made a mistake.” He said Wednesday the markets could have collapsed, “if the Hong Kong government hesitated any longer.” (From ‘gurufocusdotcom’)

Are you angry now? I am. Because now we know that: Not only does our leader make lock-down decisions based on the advice of a nong-book friend, or friends, but she justified, numerous times, her decisions to plunge the country into reverse, undoing years of economic gains, based on made-up numbers from a non-specialist, an ‘economist’, a ‘predatory speculator’.

No: this is not a joke. Far from it.

Look at Ardern just days prior to her ‘stopped 10,000 cases’ in a fortnight bulldust, claiming 3,000 cases were prevented in the first week alone:

The BFD.

“Data modelling provided by” this ‘expert’ who predicted 100,000 cases in Sweden by the end of April:

The BFD.

There’s so much so very wrong here, questions of transparency, accountability, national interest, self-interest. This is not just a can of worms; it’s a stinking, rotten, compost-pile-full.

We don’t just deserve answers, we demand them.

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